Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

カテゴリ: 10-line essays
NO starting smoking【シリーズ10-line】:迷いモンシロチョウ2010 東日本大震災によせて【シリーズ10-line】:ピンクのろうそく LeRougeEtLeNoir【シリーズ10-line】:スペード型フック EARTHSONG【シリーズ10-line〕:松ぼっくり

1. I see gradually more and more smokers who carry cigarette butt pouch.
It's good manner of those smokers to bring back their cigarette stubs without throwing away on street.
At the same time, portable ashtray is not a get-out-of-jail-free card to allow them to smoke everywhere.
Remember: Nobody praises smokers walking and smoking with cigarette butt pouch.

2. which I listened on the radio.
Such as blackout of the decoration of neon or electric lights, going off the air of midnight TV programs, and so on.

-Now it is high time that those measures are necessary.
I read an article by an international journalist criticizing how our nation wastes electricity on advertisement illumination while our country is poor in energy source and almost totally dependent on imports for oil and energy source.
streetlights are necessary, for the sake of security at night.
On the other hand, electrical spectaculars for advertisement are unnecessary ,
Especially gambling amusement facility is unnecessary, illumination and all.
It was nothing but fortunate that nuclear power accident didn't happen after New Year earthquake while there are so many nuclear power plants in Stricken area.
However, various troubles have found out one after another with electric power source and plant facilities.
Seriously: We must not settle it as lucky. It's time to think about energy policies in our country.

3. When Landmine Ban Treaty was set up, our state adopted it without caring about the move of the Allied power that destroyed our state at the latest World war.
Just like back then, why don't our state join the treaty banning nuclear weapons as well?

:Ready to place translation if asked


最終更新日  2024.03.11 09:41:14 コメントを書く
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