Mortgage bond insurers 'need boost' From The Times January 25, 2008
America's biggest mortgage bond insurers collectively need a $200 billion (£101 billion) capital injection if they are to maintain their key AAA credit ratings, a figure that dwarfs a plan by New York regulators to put together a capital infusion of up to $15 billion, a leading ratings expert said yesterday. (モノライン大手会社はAAAを維持するに2000億ドルの資本注入が必要だと、これは昨日のNY州の要請した150億ドルに対する、保険専門家のコメントである、)
Mr Egan's warning comes after the New York Insurance Department, which regulates the state's insurance industry, held a hastily convened two-hour meeting this week to try to persuade key Wall Street firms to bail out the bond underwriters. The meeting is thought to have been attended by about 25 people, including representatives of Citigroup, JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs and Lehman Brothers, which would be likely to suffer if the bond insurers went under. (昨日NY州は危機打開のため急遽、金融機関25社を呼び寄せ、2時間あまりの説明会を実施、出席会社は大手シティー、モルガン、GS、リーマンを含め、ほとんどの会社と見られる、イーガン氏の警告はNY州のこの要請説明会のアトに出された、)
しかも、大手モノラインの格付けAAAを維持しているのは、大手格付け会社2社のみで、他のフィッチを含む中堅格付け会社は既に、ドラスティックな格下げを実施済み、( One insurer, Ambac, has already lost its AAA-rating, while Mr Egan has a B-plus rating on MBIA, the biggest bond insurer, which is 13 notches below the AAA-rating it has from S&P, Moody's and Fitch. )、いわば風前の灯か、
政府もNY州も米国の Recession
New York's attempts to prop up the mortgage bond industry are part of a US government drive to prevent America falling into recession. Washington yesterday reached a tentative deal to inject $150 billion into the flagging US economy through tax breaks and investment incentives. Earlier this week, the Federal Reserve cut interest rates by three quarters of a point, the largest cut for 26 years, as a stimulus. (NY州はこの問題、モノライン救済を米国のRecession入り阻止の一環として捉えており、政府も昨日1500億ドルの減税を発表した、そしてFRBも今週はじめ、0.75%という26年間で最大の利下げで援護射撃をしたがーーー、)
Data yesterday showed that sales of existing homes in the US fell more than forecast in December. Purchases fell 2.2 per cent to an annual rate of 4.89 million, the National Association of Realtors said. For all of last year, sales of single-family homes fell 13 per cent and prices dropped 1.8 per cent, the first decline since it began recordkeeping in 1968 and probably the first since the 1930s, the group said. (昨日の発表データでは、12月中古住宅販売はさらに落ち込み、-2.2%ダウン、489万戸は事前予想以下の数字、又昨年一年間の一戸建て住宅販売は13%ダウン、価格は1.8%ダウン、1968年にデータを取り始めて初めての下落だ、そして多分それは1930年以降でも初めてのことだろう、)
Recession は確実に近づきつつある、それもかなり大型の、
*ココで FT は Recession の目安に 住宅指標 を使っていることに注意、やはり肝は住宅の各種指標(価格、販売数、在庫、建設労働者数などなど、)なのだろう、 (使えそうな指標は1月1日記事、 Happy New Year to All! を参照)