confuoco Dalnara

Comet Impact:how to make a comet, or fly


dirty snowball(snowman)とも言われていて...

いいなぁ、空飛ぶ雪だるま。flying dirty snowman!

Impact Velocity

Bobby Kimの Remember Last Christmas にも

Lunara Google moon
I love the moon.
On the day of full moon,
I tried to walk on the moon (moon walker!?) through the site called Google moon,
the Lunar Landing Sites.
Fantastic gray colour is the surface of the moon,
and flashes in white...I love it...
Loving to see the moon both from a distance and the closer...

姉妹品?はGoogle EarthとGlobe Trotting。
いつかGoogle Marsや
Deep Impact のお土産でGoogle Cometが作られるだろうか。

去年 流星群 は見れなかったけれど今は月の上を歩けるから楽しい。

Dear Humanoid
Today, I got the mail as below:

Your attempt to contact extraterrestrial intelligence has officially begun.
At approximately 7:43 a.m. on the morning of August 12,
2005 at a longitude of 28.3 North and a latitude of 80.6 West traveling at 186,000 miles per second,
the speed of light, your message was beamed into deep space trailing the launch of Atlas V at Cape Canaveral Florida.
(Again, something for the nerds; Pluto is 2.7 billion miles from Earth.
That means your blog has far surpassed our solar system!)

I got a feeling about my doppelganger traveling in space!

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