Dates | |
10/01/'04 | I usually wake up around five-thirty but today I woke up at four-thirty because I had to make a bag lunch for my second daughter. | bag lunch お弁当 |
10/02/'04 | I gave my daughters some pears for refreshments at three. Fall is rich in seasonal fruits. | seasonal fruits 旬の果物 |
10/03/'04 | I watched NHK English programs this morning. | |
10/04/'04 | I had some draems of being late for something. I want to have a good night sleep tonight. | have a good night sleep ぐっすり眠る |
10/05/'04 | It is pouring all day today. Pouring is boring me. :-( | pouring (口語)土砂降り |
10/06/'04 | The laundry didn't dry completely in spite of fine weather. | |
10/07/'04 | I changed the wallpaper and some design of my web pages. | |
10/08/'04 | A really strong typhoon is approaching. I hope we don't have any serious damage. | |
10/09/'04 | I saw that a DIY shop was flooded by the heavy rain. | |
10/10/'04 | Super-strong Typhoon No.22 was the ninth to touch down on the Japanese archipelago this year. It broke the record. No more record! | touch down (竜巻・台風が)上陸する the Japanese archipelago 日本列島 |
10/11/'04 | Today's game of the Seibu vs. the Daiei was really exciting. The Seibu finally beat the Daiei. | |
10/12/'04 | I'm looking forward to watching the best-of-seven Japan Series on TV. | the best-of-seven 7試合対決戦(先に4勝した方が勝ち) |
10/13/'04 | I'm really sleepy today due to luck of sleep last night. I took a catnap, but I'm still sleepy. I should go to bed early today. | take a catnap うたた寝をする |
10/14/'04 | My oldest daughter finished the mid-term exams. I wonder if she gets good enough grades. | mid-term exams 中間テスト |
10/15/'04 | My youngest daughter has hay fever. Her nose is running,her eyes are blood-shot and the part around her eyes is inflamed. | hay fever 花粉症 |
10/16/'04 | It's still October but it was very chilly today. | |
10/17/'04 | An earthquake woke me up early in the morning, but then I got back to sleep again. | |
10/18/'04 | I have a pain in my stomach. | in に注意 habe a stomachachより上品な表現 |
11/01/'04 | I took a nap and then I dreamed that I saw a rainbow while I was driving with my third daughter. | |
11/02/'04 | I got a flu shot today. | a flu shot インフルエンザ予防接種 flu (口語)インフルエンザ |
11/03/'04 | Feeding data into the computer wore me out today. | feed data into computer PCにデータを入力する wear out (口語)クタクタにする |
11/04/'04 | I swept all the fallen leaves off the yard. | |
11/05/'04 | It was nice day today, so I hung out the futons . I'm glad that they've turned soft and light. | futon 布団 soft and light ふかふか |
11/06/'04 | I renewed a notice board on the top page of my website. | renew ~を新しく取り替える |
11/07/'04 | Since the fallen leaves were wet with dew , they didn't burn easily. | |
11/08/'04 | I feel very sleepy all day long, so I'd like to go to bed early tonight. | |
11/09/'04 | I was deeply disappointed to find that my daughters' rooms were still in a mess. | |
11/10/'04 | I picked up my youngest daughter at school while I was patrolling the school district. | |
11/11/'04 | My youngest daughter finished her homework soon after she came home from school. | soon after ~してからすぐに |
11/12/'04 | It surprised me to find that I had slept like a log for three hours in the daytime. | sleep like a log (口語)爆睡する |
11/13/'04 | I was worn out. | wear out クタクタに疲れさせる |
11/14/'04 | My legs are killing me. | |
11/15/'04 | I'm sore all over. | |
11/16/'04 | My youngest daughter's hay fever is terrible today. | |
11/17/'04 | It's my husband's birthday today. My daughters and I are waiting for him to come home. | |
11/18/'04 | I made it through my day all in one piece. | all in one piece 無事に |
11/19/'04 | I can't think clearly since I'm terribly sleepy. | |
11/20/'04 | I've kept up writing entries in my journal for six months. | |
11/21 /'04 | I played ground golf for the first time and really enjoyed it. | |
11/22 /'04 | I want very much for my oldest daughter to focus and study for tests this week. | want very much for目的語to do ぜひ~に・・・して欲しい |
11/24 /'04 | The sudden death of one of the preschool children's fathers was a terrible shock to me, because he was my husband's classmate in their elementary school days. | |
11/25 /'04 | I'm weary of incessant falling leaves in the yard. | weary of うんざりした incessant (嫌な事が)絶え間なく続く,ひっきりなしの |
11/26 /'04 | I was surprised to hear that my oldest daughter told me that they will never study the relative pronouns 'whom' and 'that' in the English class. | relative pronoun 関係代名詞 |
11/27 /'04 | There was a strong cold wind blowing this morning . It blew all of the falling leaves away and heaped them up into a mound. | heap up~ ~を積み上げる |
11/28 /'04 | I have pains in my left shoulder joint. | joint 付け根,間接 |
11/29 /'04 | There are many funerals near here these days. | |
11/30 /'04 | The little children in the one and two-year-old class of nursery school are always squealing, fighting, biting and scratching each other. Thanks to them, I was sweating all over this morning. | squeal ギャーギャーキーキー言う thanks to ~ ~のおかげで ~のせいで |