みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記











ララニャン@ あらら あらあらビニールシートが大好きみたい。…


The Age of Understanding Begins, Part 75, Verses 1-8
...《Spiritual Word from Amaterasu, who has protected and nurtured the land of Japan (5)

Verse 5 You are all expressions of Hoa's love
...Gintsukku, Words from the Heart
... "Message from Amaterasu (3)"...(August 7, 2020 revelation)
(1) You are all an expression of Hoa's love.
(2) By believing, you will realize the truth.
(3) The moment you know that you are the light of love
(4) We are urging you to know your true self.

⑥Japan is a country that will be a leader in saving the world
⑦ I want you to remember the love that lies within you
(1) You are all an expression of Hoa's love.
Mr. Ginchiku, may I?
(Ginchiku: Yes, please do.)
Yes, I am Amaterasu. Hello everyone, how are you? It has been a while since I have spoken to you today.
There are so many beings coming to Mr. Ginchiku's place now to talk to you. Yesterday, at last, [Hoa-sama], the creator of all of us, came to see us.
He is surrounding us all with his great energy of love. I am one of you, and you are all one of Hoa. The truth is that we all exist in such a way, connected as one life.
How are we connected? The physical body seems to exist as a separate substance, but the real part of us, the part of each of us that can be called our true soul, our true self, is where we are all connected and exist as one life.
But you see, that is the part that is invisible, so it is difficult for people who are busy with their current life or who are constantly chasing after something to notice it.

(2) By believing, we can realize the truth.
...《When you see things with your heart and not with your head, everything is reflected as one》.
How can we become aware of this truth? First of all, we have to believe that our true life is only one connected soul light.
I am the same, you are the same, the soul divided from the one life. In Shinto we say this, and it is true. Believing it is not something we can do with our heads, but with our hearts, so by the time we are able to believe it, we can say that we can see the truth in reverse.
We tend to always try to feel and understand with our heads, not with our hearts. But our senses, you see, reside in our hearts. When we see things with our hearts, the eyes of love dwell there. Everything is reflected as one. And you find yourself living under the guidance of the invisible, the great.

You have to believe that you are the light of love.
The moment you know you are the light of love...
You need to check your judgment once again. If you look at things with your heart, you will find that you feel something.
The grass and flowers on the side of the road may speak to you. You may notice that someone living far away remembers you. You may look up at the sky one day and know that the moon is smiling at you.
You will realize that all the beings in your world, all the flows, all the interactions, all the environments are simply made of something called love. That is the moment when you connect yourself to the larger life and know that you are the light of love.
You will be able to see the light of love.
We encourage you to know your true self.
Knowing your true self. That is what we are urging you to do now. Feel with your heart, think about what you cannot see, and listen quietly to your surroundings alone. There you will feel the great pulse of life. We are all partakers of the Great One, held in the bosom of His presence.
When you realize how sublime and beautiful and loving and luminous your true form is, you will realize that all you have to do is live your whole life now, just as it is, lovingly embracing it.
That is how Mr. Ginczik lives his life. It is important to know that we are all such light, and that our own nature is simply an expression of the way of life, individuality, originality, and love that the light shows us.
(5) I see each of your lives as a part of mine.
I am here in Japan, always watching over you, loving you, surrounding you with my light, healing you, and guiding you. I, whom you perceive, am also an incarnation of the Great Being, and a drop of the fountain that connects you, one in life.
There is nothing that separates me from you. I am part of the nature that shows in you. You do not want to be like me, you are the same light of love that I am, just as you are. The only difference is that you believe it and are aware of it.
This is how I look at Japan every day. I am looking at a page of each and every one of your lives. I see you laugh, cry, clap each other on the shoulder, rejoice, grieve, get angry, be disappointed, get up again, and so on. I love you.
And I watch with hope that love will eventually sprout in the hearts of all of you, that its seeds will be sown, that they will sprout, that they will blossom, that they will blow in the wind, that they will be sown again, and that eventually they will bloom all over Japan and be accepted by the world with enough color to be found in the flowers of love. I am watching with hope.
∙ Japan is a leader in the world and in saving it.
(6) Japan is the leader of the world and the country to save it.
You are the inhabitants of the country that Heaven has chosen to be the leader to save the earth as a divine people who have a glimpse of the nature of God, who accept the existence of God without any particularity.
Do not reject Japan. Japan has been a sacred place and role on this earth since time immemorial.
Please wipe away the blindness from your eyes once again, and look at this wonderful landscape of Japan, this wonderful source of life, and this wonderful people who respect their connection with each other with the eyes of your heart. Please feel the blood of Yamato flowing within you, as people of a rare country with beautiful manners.
(7) I want you to remember the love that lies within you.
 You are all aware of it. You must all be aware of the radiance of the exquisite energy that has been passed down from generation to generation within you, filled with the lush, green, moist nature.
I am the one who governs this country, with the power to keep all of you in my sight at the same time, as I send you the light of the sun as love.
Receive my love, let it flow into your body and soul, and recognize that within yourself, there is the same as I am.
Your bodies will glow with my golden light, and the heavenly energy will flow, become a vortex, and fill all of your lives. With that light, live out your life and adorn it with love.
I am always trying to tell you that you are a beautiful life that can exist as love itself, only by returning to who you are. I want to remind you that this truth lies within you.
Mr. Gintchik, you have become a shining white light that shines all around you. Please continue to embody our heavenly light through your body.
I always laugh at your words. The people in heaven are laughing too. Thank you for all the fun.
Please keep up the good work. Please call me again.
(GINCHIKU: Thank you very much.)
Thank you very much.
Gintaku: Thank you very much.
Do you know what makes Amaterasu so different from other goddesses?
Yes. She is not a hana-hara. No surprises, no "I knew I told you so. No "I told you after all! I'm so glad I did that.
When I was finally thanked by Amaterasu, I was so moved that I fell back with my eyes peeled back, tears streaming down my cheeks. I was so happy to be a part of this ministry, and I can only be thankful for it (Shimura style).
I can only thank you.
A favor to all of you
I have a favor to ask of everyone who reads Tenkei every day. Please send your love and gratitude to Terra, the Divine Spirit of the Earth, at any time of the day, with your hearts in your minds.
 Michael taught me to pray to Terra: "Terra, I love you. Thank you for nurturing and loving us.
I would be grateful if you could chant this slowly five times with love and gratitude and believe in the power of the energy and put it into practice by as many people as possible. Thank you very much in advance.
...Continue to "Section 6: It is Time to Wake Up, People of Japan!


最終更新日  2024年08月15日 09時57分23秒
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