みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記











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カテゴリ: マヌ Manu

[The Law of the Man and Woman].
13. meeting your true partner

After being born on earth several times and continuing to live with the opposite sex, men gradually come to know themselves more deeply as men and women as women. Eventually, they will meet their true partners.

If you have lived your life to that point, when you meet your true partner, you will realize that he or she is your soul partner. If you have spent your life on earth in vain, you will not be able to recognize your true partner when you meet him or her. That is why I say, "Cherish the life you have lived up to that point.

If the N and S poles of a magnet were far apart, they would not react at all, but when they come closer, they rapidly approach each other from a certain point and become perfectly aligned. In the same way, you can't tell when you are apart, but you can tell when you are close to your true partner. In order not to miss such an opportunity, you must live your life carefully up to that point.

Once you meet your true partner, you will no longer look at other members of the opposite sex. You want to be with them all the time.
You can no longer think of living apart from each other. After that, they live together and fulfill their original role as souls.

How romantic of God to divide the soul into male and female and have them meet at the end of their long journey, learning about each other's masculinity and femininity. I sincerely hope that you will cherish this process and enjoy every step of the way.


Manu] [Manu] [Manu

Manu is the legendary compiler of the ancient Indian code, the "Code of Manu.
The "Code of Manu" contains detailed rules and regulations concerning creation, daily life, morality, rituals, and manners, which form the basis of Hinduism.
It plays a role similar to that of Noah in the floods and myths, and is sometimes referred to as the "founder of mankind.
Some believe that the English word "man" (=human) is derived from "manu" (=manu).
During the Lemurian period, he served as a leader named Margalit and built a civilization centering on the arts.
In the heavenly realm, he is in charge of the green ray (nature and harmony) and is in charge of the arts and ethnic affairs.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)


最終更新日  2024年05月08日 07時05分03秒
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