★”” 魔法使いのブログ ””★

★”” 魔法使いのブログ ””★

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Feb 17, 2023
カテゴリ: Fortune teller
魔法使いの家 075-681-5227 ​​

Am8 - Pm10, Over  Offer:" At anytime ."

​​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXL0i7ly60I
ロータス in Kyoto​​​
今出川あたり 作曲 演奏 綾小路ひみこ - YouTube
​​ ​​ 魔法使いのつぶやき ロータス in Kyoto 烏丸あたり - YouTube ​​
魔法使いのつぶや - YouTube  ​メロデイ―のみ​
​​​​​ ​​ 魔法使いのつぶやき 1 - YouTube
魔法使いのひとりごと。 - YouTube

​​ 魔法使い in Kyoto. 三年坂 - YouTube​
​​​​ 魔法使い in Kyoto. 三年坂2 - YouTube
​魔法使い in Kyoto 2年坂 - YouTube ​​​​
魔法使い in Kyoto 1年坂 - YouTube​

​​ ​​​
​ロケット、打ち上げ中止、補助ロケット二点火せず。 ​Rocket, launch aborted, auxiliary rocket 2 not fired.
Moon Landing GIF by BBC America ​​

昨日の京都市内のコロナ感染者は、201人でした。 ​
Yesterday,There were 201 inf​​​​​ected with corona in Kyoto city
Quinn Wow GIF by Harlem
霊障を取り除く方法(除霊の仕方) (jikidenreiki.jp)
Ever since the fortune teller told me this and that, my health has deteriorated.
Is being unwell something like psychiatry? please tell me.
I don't think you have anything like spiritual illness, but for sensitive people, and also you have bad things and things to be aware of.
When you can't get out of your heart, you should be able to escape if you follow the countermeasures.
It seems that there is also a compatibility problem with the fortune teller.
However, if you are not told what to do, ask again.
If you like yellow, you have a mental problem and need to change color.
See also: How to get rid of spirit disorder
How to get rid of spirit disorder (how to exorcise) (jikidenreiki.jp)
It may be necessary to avoid the final and fortune-telling.

a nationwide groundの日本語訳を教えてください。
回答 ;全国的な話題​

I fortune-telling which person I like by choosing between two. I did two fortune-telling sessions with an interval of time, but I got a bad card with Mr. A and a good card with Mr. B. I was surprised that there was a clause that hit. Can a tarot card give a proper answer even after a short period of time?
回答: 偶然出たのだと思います。
I think it came out by chance.
In tarot, when hearing the same problem, if it is in the same state / environment,
Specially, unless the environment changes, and unless the theme of the question in question changes,
The former answer takes precedence.
That's the promise.
 It doesn't matter how many times you get the omikuji.
​​ 占い師の男女比って、どれくらいな感じですか? 後、お客さん側の男女比もイメージ付きますか                     ​​ 回答;
​​ 占い師の男:女、 1:9、 お客さん側の男:女比、 1:9

私の主な持株会社の ​株価​ は、購入価格に対して赤字で、現在、 ​損失は 0.95%​  です ​​まだフェラーリ1台分の ​損失​ があります。
​My main holding company stock price is in deficit with the buying price , the loss is currently 0.95 % now. ​​​I have a loss money for one Ferrari yet.​​ ​​

魔法使いの家​​​​​​ ​​​​ http://nttbj.itp.ne.jp/0756815227/index.html?


Last updated  Feb 17, 2023 12:57:01 PM
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