★”” 魔法使いのブログ ””★

★”” 魔法使いのブログ ””★

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Apr 17, 2024
カテゴリ: 手相
こんにちは。手相に詳しい方などおられましたら手相を占ってほしいです!恋愛... - Yahoo!知恵袋

​​​​ ​​​ ​​ ​​​ ​​ 魔法使いの家 075-681-5227 ​​ ​​

Am8 - Pm10, Over  Offer:" At anytime ." ​​

​​ ロータス in Kyoto​​​ 今出川あたり 作曲 演奏 綾小路ひみこ - YouTube
​​ ​​ 魔法使いのつぶやき ロータス in Kyoto 烏丸あたり - YouTube ​​
魔法使いのつぶや - YouTube  ​メロデイ―のみ​
​​​​​ ​​ 魔法使いのつぶやき 1 - YouTube
魔法使いのひとりごと。 - YouTube

​​ 魔法使い in Kyoto. 三年坂 - YouTube​
​​​​ 魔法使い in Kyoto. 三年坂2 -
​  YouTube​
​魔法使い in Kyoto 2年坂 - YouTube

Is the stock market strange for some reason? ? ?
War anxiety! !
Will fear start a chain reaction?

open, sign, lights, relationship
​​ 手相に詳しい方などおられましたら手相を占ってほしいです!恋愛、仕事、人生など、、、!                                                また気になっていたのですが知能線と生命線の所に3本あるのですが(お写真参考)この3本はどれが何の線にあたるのでしょうか?
回答 :​
恋愛では愛情に極めて熱く慎重で誠実で良識ある人です・ 愛情問題ではほとんど失敗はなんさそう・ 身体面で早熟で、心臓は大丈夫そう・ 結婚は、あまり慎重になりすぎ遅れそう。 子供ができるとしても苦労させられるかも・。 女性なら玉のこしの可能性がありますがあります・ 生命線と頭脳線が重なって出ていて少したってから分かれるているのは、物事に取りかかるのに少し慎重さに重きを置きすぎるきらいがありそうです。 頭脳線が先で、❶❷と別れていて、2面の才能がありますが両親の影響と思われます 頭脳は優秀でデリケートですが、行動が慎重すぎるとチャンスを逃すことに ❶❷行動力がフルに活動できない点が問題で、決断力に欠ける点に注意がいりそう 失敗はあまりなさそうでも、決断力に欠けそうでチャンスを逃がしがちに ❶❷は、両親の性格を受け継いでいて、感がよく交際上手で事に当たって決断の鋭いとところがありそうです。 創造力に富み独創性がありそうです。 仕事面では、やった努力は報われそう、幸運がついていそう。 独走しないようにしましょう・ 親戚の援助あり 芸術。文学で成功する可能性があります・ 野心は持っても夢があります。 金運はこれからです・。 生命線の先で、複数に❸別れていて青春時代の難関辛苦は努力と忍耐が実を結び 中年以降は、成功を暗示しています。起業心があれば才能をいかせます。 ただわがままさ、あきやすさに注意がいります・。 環境の変化に注意、生活習慣に注意がいります・。 環境の変化、体力の衰えに注意 お金に固執しすぎると、ひどい目にあいそう。 人は人格で選びましょう。 内蔵の健康面では門題なさそう・
​​ If you are familiar with palm reading, I would like you to read my palm reading! Love, work, life, etc...! I was also curious about the fact that there are three lines between the intelligence line and the life line (see photo), but which of these three lines corresponds to what kind of line? ​ ​​
​​Ans: ​​​
If you are familiar with palm reading, I would like you to read my palm reading! Love, work, life, etc...! I was also curious about the fact that there are three lines between the intelligence line and the life line (see photo), but which of these three lines corresponds to what kind of line? Answer: In love, you are extremely passionate about love, careful, sincere, and has good sense. There seems to be almost no failure in matters of love. Physically, he matures early, and your heart seems to be fine. I think you'll be too cautious and delay marriage. Even if you can have children, you may have to struggle. If you are a woman, there is a possibility that you may have a good chancel.
If your Life line and Head line overlap and then separate after a while, it may indicate that you tend to be too cautious when approaching things.
The head line comes first and is separated from ❶ and ❷, so she has two sides of talent, which is probably due to the influence of her parents.
Your brain is excellent and delicate, but if you act too cautiously, you may miss opportunities.
❶❷The problem is that they are not able to use their full capacity to take action, and their lack of decision-making ability seems to require attention.
Even if you don't seem to make many mistakes, you seem to lack decisiveness and tend to miss opportunities.
❶❷ seem to have inherited the personality traits of their parents, and are sensitive, good at getting along, and have sharp decisions when it comes to matters.
They seem to be creative and original.
In terms of work, your efforts will likely be rewarded and you will have good luck.
Let's not run alone.
With help from relatives
art. Possibility of success in literature
You have ambitions and dreams.
Money luck might come soon.

At the end of the life line, there are multiple ❸ divisions, and the hardships and hardships of youth bear fruit with effort and perseverance.
After middle age, it suggests success. If you have an entrepreneurial spirit, you can put your talents to use.
However, be careful not to be selfish and easy to get bored.
Be careful of changes in your environment and your lifestyle habits.
Be careful of changes in the environment and decline in physical strength
If you're too fixated on money, you'll end up in a lot of trouble.
Choose people based on their personality.
There seems to be no problem in terms of internal organ health.
■■Warning: The stuffing seems sweet.

​​​ 魔法使いの家​​​​​​ ​​​​ http://nttbj.itp.ne.jp/0756815227/index.html? ​​



Last updated  Apr 17, 2024 10:33:25 AM
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