★”” 魔法使いのブログ ””★

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Aug 5, 2024
カテゴリ: 試験

Am8 - Pm10, Over  Offer:" At anytime ." ​​

​​ ロータス in Kyoto​​​ 今出川あたり 作曲 演奏 綾小路ひみこ - YouTube
​​ ​​ 魔法使いのつぶやき ロータス in Kyoto 烏丸あたり - YouTube ​​
魔法使いのつぶや - YouTube  ​メロデイ―のみ​
​​​​​ ​​ 魔法使いのつぶやき 1 - YouTube
魔法使いのひとりごと。 - YouTube

​​ 魔法使い in Kyoto. 三年坂 - YouTube​
​​​​ 魔法使い in Kyoto. 三年坂2 -
​  YouTube​
​魔法使い in Kyoto 2年坂 - YouTube
魔法使い in Kyoto 1年坂 - YouTube​

open, sign, lights, relationship

Facebook and Instagram have been suspended from my PC and mobile phone.

兵庫県の教員採用試験について質問です。 ​​​
I have a question about the Hyogo Prefecture teacher recruitment exam.
I'm planning to take the exam for an elementary school.
I heard that for the mock lesson in the second exam, a double-page spread from the textbook is distributed on the day. In that case, I wonder if a part of the material, such as a narrative or explanatory text in Japanese, will be cut out, making it difficult to grasp the overall meaning of the material, or if you start reading partway through, you won't understand the meaning at all.
I would appreciate it if someone who knows about mock lessons for Japanese could answer my question. Thank you in advance.

文脈の把握: 教材の一部が切り取られていても、文脈を理解する努力をしましょう。前後の文脈やキーワードを活用して意味を推測します。
要点の整理: 教材の一部しか使えない場合、重要なポイントを整理して伝えることを心がけましょう。教材全体の意図を端的に伝えることが求められます。
ストーリーの構成: 物語文の場合、登場人物や展開を把握してストーリーを構成しましょう。途中から読んでも、物語の流れを読者に伝えることが大切です。
Mock lessons for teacher recruitment exams are one of the formats that have been increasingly introduced in recent years1. The required level and atmosphere vary depending on the type of school, but we will tell you about the points that are commonly required.
In mock lessons, a double-page spread from a textbook may be distributed. If a narrative or explanatory text from Japanese language is cut out, it may be difficult to grasp the overall intent of the material. If you start reading partway through, the context may be missing and you may not understand the meaning.
As a countermeasure, we recommend that you take the following points into consideration when taking mock lessons.
Understanding the context: Even if part of the material is cut out, make an effort to understand the context. Use the context and keywords before and after to infer the meaning.
Organizing the main points: If you can only use part of the material, try to organize and convey the important points. You are required to succinctly convey the intent of the entire material.
Story structure: For narrative texts, understand the characters and development and compose the story. Even if you start reading partway through, it is important to convey the flow of the story to the reader.
Since mock lessons are based on actual lessons, please approach them with confidence. Good luck! 1:
The basics of preparing for the teacher recruitment exam "mock lesson" - must-read information from someone who passed it on the first try

魔法使いの家​​​​​​ ​​​​ http://nttbj.itp.ne.jp/0756815227/index.html? ​​


Last updated  Aug 5, 2024 11:45:18 AM
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