"Comment allez-vouz?" is French means "How are you?". "valesne?" in latin is also "How are you?".
For your easy reference, please visit the following useful free on-line translaters(but don’t believe it blindly!). http://babelfish.altavista.com/ http://www.freetranslation.com/default.htm?tab=help
Good luck. (9月4日0時52分) 返事を書く
correction catsssさん(****.ne.jp)
>Isn’t is English?
Isn’t it です。 (8月23日9時27分) 返事を書く
Re:Re:About English catsssさん(****.ne.jp)
>comment allez-vous?
I don’t the word of"allez-valesne" Isn’t is English?
>And try to learn French too!
Oh, studing is a good thing. in the future...
(8月23日9時25分) 返事を書く
Re:About English valesneさん(****.jp)
valesneさん >Do not place confident in English, especially in American English! And try to learn Deutsch, Espanol, Portugues and if possible Latin , those make you more intelligent to know what is English on earth. ----- Comment allez-vous? And try to learn French too! Bonsoir.