GREEと豊能役所はSSL崩壊・データ共有の異常・GPS誤動作・Windowsアクセス権剥奪・Toyono Font 妙な形の文字を作成。 (GREE従業員と役所、私のパソコンHDDごと窃盗共有化して、沢山のインターネットPCで多種システム設定による誤認識によりToyono字体は出来上がった。) GREEモバイルは機内モード無効
鬼塚ども、高田が吐きよったぞ。 Takada and Onizuka at the time of GREE Yahoo spit.
1. 2010 GREE employee Higashitokiwadai 5 ORCLE (Sawada) invades the residence 2. They disabled SSL for my XP at the command prompt. 3. They Copy my XP HDD again 4. The pasted one is the personal computer of the GREE employee 5. GREE Employees' PCs are copied worldwide like Windows fonts 6. Worldwide SSL invalidity and malfunction
* My personal computer had already blocked the Internet, and SSL was disabled only on the GREE site.
I can't write in my diary, so I'll come back later. Email update emails can no longer be received (April 02, 2022 16:07:42)
(2022年04月02日 16時12分14秒)