CHANDLER: 'You're such a nice guy' means 'I'm gonna be dating leather-wearing alcoholics and complaining about them to you'. 字幕:”いい人ね”は”私の好みは危ない男なの グチ聞いてね” 吹替え:あなたっていい人ねは、私が好きなのは危険の香りのする男 だから聞いてね 私のグチを
CHANDLER: Yeah, it's like when you're a kid, and your parents put your dog to sleep, and they tell you it went off to live on some farm. 字幕:ほら 犬を始末して子供には”田舎に預けた”と
put somebody/something to sleep: to give drugs to a sick animal so that it dies without too much pain - used to avoid saying the word 'kill'
to leave a place, especially in order to do something
CHANDLER: Oh, Satan's minions at work again... 字幕:また悪魔の仕業だ
minion:[countable usually plural] 子分、手先 someone's minions are the people who just obey their orders and do unskilled work - used humorously
PHOEBE: Yes, 'cause now I have to go down there, and deal with them. 字幕:銀行に言いに行くわ 吹替え:だから私これから銀行に知らせに行かなくちゃ
deal with somebody/something:phrasal verb
themは $500 のこと。
MONICA: We're with you. We got it. 字幕:分かったわ
be with you/me: to understand what someone is telling you or explaining to you
used to say you have suddenly thought of the solution to a problem or that you suddenly understand a situation
PHOEBE: It would be like this giant karmic debt. 字幕:来世でバチが当たるわ
karma:[uncountable] (仏教)カルマ、業(ごう) the belief that all the good and bad things that you do in this life affect how good or bad your future lives will be, according to the Hindu and Buddhist religions
ROSS: Just think about what you went through the last time you quit. 字幕:この前 禁煙したときつらかったろ
go through:phrasal verb difficult/unpleasant situation to experience a difficult or unpleasant situation, feeling etc
MONICA: Not after what happened with Steve. 字幕:スティーブで懲りたわ 吹替え:スティーブのときの二の舞になるもの
MONICA: I mean, they're like- coyotes, picking off the weak members of the herd. 字幕:コヨーテみたいに彼に襲いかかるの。
pick somebody/something off:phrasal verb to point a weapon carefully at one person or animal in a group, and then shoot them
CHANDLER: I'd marry him just for his David Hasselhof impression alone. You know I'm gonna be doing that at parties, right? 字幕:結婚しろ 彼は物まねの天才だ 吹替え:あんな物まねの天才とは絶対結婚すべきだよ
David Hasselhof ←ナイトライダーのマイケル
you/he etc alone:used to emphasize that there is only one person who knows, can do something etc