Your ordinary hamburgers are called ‘Sasebo Burger’ here in Japan, because ordinary Japanese hamburgers are SO FREAKIN’ SMALL. Sasebo is a city in Nagasaki pref. where US marine is based. I guess those guys hated Japanese burgers and requested something bigger and filling.
I went to a Sasebo burger restaurant with Manma-san, Orako-chan, and my hubby and I finally ate what I call hamburger! It was so yummy but what ticks me off is that fries, rings, drinks, anything non-burger/sandwich are SO FREAKIN’ SMALL!!!
I did have good time talking to my friends and I might go to this place again because I miss genuine hamburgers!
Apr 18-20
My blogger bud, Pika-chan (renowned opera singer, resident of Berlin, Germany) came to Tokyo last week, so she and 2 other blogger friends came over to my house. It was a small gathering since she decided to come to Tokyo in the same week; thus, too busy to get souvenirs for bunch of her friends. That suited me just fine because it was last month at my current ‘office’ and I didn’t have a luxury of taking a day off to do all the prep work for a big party.
Rainstorm hit the day before Pika-chan’s visit and I was hearing a news saying some tin roofs and billboards being blown away…and I was going “DUDE! She’s flying in TODAY! What if SHE gets blown away!?” Thankfully, that did not happen (she told me it was a bumpy ride and she had tough time going to her mom’s) and this is what I saw the next morning…
Freaking SUNNY! Against all odds! I religiously watched weather forecast and they all said “RAIN! RAIN! RAIN!” the night before and this is what I got! I guess I must have done something right to deserve this (maybe that was Pika-chan) and went to a train station to pick her up. We talked nonstop until we got to another train station to pick Orako-chan up, then talked some more until we got to my favorite fish market, then to my house. Then it was time to go pick up Raku-chan at yet another train station.
In case I haven’t told you all of my blogger buds once belonged to same website for foodies, we shared our recipes, exchanged info on what’s yummy, new discoveries on daily basis. Besides, each one of my friends are wonderful cook, so everything they bring is exceptionally yummy!
When food is excellent, whatever we drink tastes even better and whatever we talk sounds extra funny/interesting! My hubby came home at 7:00 or so to join the fun and believe it or not, we ate/drank/talked until 10:30 in the evening! Orako-chan and Raku-chan had their trains to catch, so they went home. Pika-chan was planning to sleep over, so she stayed and we drank some more until 3:00 in the morning. The next morning, my hubby went to work and Pika-chan and I went to my favorite sushi bar!
Apr 21-24
I was so ready to resign my work but my boss was not ready to let me go because they just found my successor and I haven’t met her for her to be prepared for her new job. In the meantime, I was job hunting and I almost got a new job but blew it (couldn’t agree on compensation, got the call on tue). On wed, right before I walked outta my office, my boss told me about this deal --- I can take as many paid holidays as I want, but they will need me just one more month. Did I grab this deal? Yeah, I’m not all that happy but I do understand their situation. On thr, my successor came to the office and turns out --- she had close to zero experience --- GRRRRRREAT! I had tough time giving her background, gave her words of encouragement, kept telling her “I’ve been in your shoes before” so she won’t change her mind after the holiday season.
Apr 25
Day 1 of the holidays and my ex-boss sent me these beautiful flowers! He and I used to get along like a father and a child but he left the company years ago for better position in a different company.
May 2
I went to eat Sasebo burger again! Well, with a different friend, Megumi-kun. It was her first time and she did like it. We went shopping (ah, finally something girlie), then to a restaurant, then my hubby joined us, talked until 10:30 or so, went to karaoke, then went home.
I didn’t take pics but we made fun of T-shirts saying “You can take a horse to the water but you can’t make it drink” (how mean!) and “Sweet Easy Courtney! Find fulfillment!” (okay, that makes any Courtney a whore). We found some funny T-shirt (see the pic above?) saying “CHEAP”. Where I went shopping is called “Nakano Broadway”, but the place is more like “alleyways with low sealing and buncha small stores”. Some stores sell all those comics, action figures (inaction figures also) and costumes imaginable! It’s like little Akihabara! I’m sure “MP” is gonna get a kick out of it.
May 3 That’s today and I’m visiting my ex-boss tomorrow! Haven’t seen him for a while and I’m really excited! I’ll give you details after I get back.
Love ya lots!
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