I have found your email address from Yahoo Japan. My name is Mr. ●●●● and I am a high school teacher living in Baghdad, Iraq. I have learned Karate and Japanese language and I always respected Japan and Japanese people.
It was terrible news for us that Japanese Army is coming to Iraq to help US invasion. I have never supported Saddam Hussein but US is nothing but an armed robber. They are killing Iraqi every day and no ordinary citizen supports them. Now, more and more people are taking part in resistance movement. They are not terrorists or remnant of old regime, just normal people. Imagine how people would act if any country invaded Japan. Exactly the same thing is happening here. Iraqi should be the one to reconstruct Iraq, not the invaders.
Do not come to Iraq as a US allied invasion troop! Iraqi respects Japan but if the army comes now, Japan will become the enemy of Iraqi and whole Muslim. Every Iraqi will feel deeply disappointed to Japan, a great nation who has never been hostile to Muslim in the past. Supporting US is absolutely not worth all these losses including Japanese people’s life. We welcome Japan after the invaders are gone, but strictly not now.
Please tell our real feelings to Japanese people. Japanese army should not invade our country! I love Japan so please, please, do not be our enemy. We hope Japan will take the right decision as an independent country.
Rei, Baghdad, Iraq
私は、Yahoo Japan で、あなた方のメールアドレスを見つけました。私の名前は●●●●といい、イラクのバグダッドで暮らす高校教師です。 私は、空手と日本語を学びました。私はいつも、日本および日本の人々を尊敬しています。