<写真の説明文> Japanese teacher ○○ "Pinky" △△ has been visiting with the students and staff at Belleville Mennonite School, teaching Japanese culture, history and writing.
"Pinky" recently taught first-grade students calligraphy and how to write the word "Friendship" in Japanese. Pictured with her are students Jenna Kile(left) and Dea Nardis.
<以下は、記事> Japanese culture first-hand
Belleville - Japanese culture is coming to life at Belleville Mennonite School.
Teacher ○○ "Pinky" △△ has been sharing her country’s traditions, art and friendship with children in the elementary school.
"Pinky" comes courtesy of the International Internship Program from Tokyo, Japan.
Principal Ken Hartzler said he received mail from the program, offering a Japanese teacher to intern at the school.
“It seemed of interest to me,”, Hartzler noted, adding the students and faculty at BMS have seen the benefits since Pinky’s arrival in October.
Pinky and her daughter, who is enrolled in the second grade class at BMS, will be staying with BMS teacher Beth Peachey until Christmas when they return to Tokyo.
Pinky has been working primarily with the elementary school children, teaching origami, Japanese games, culture and history. She will be instructing students in the middle school and high school classes in coming weeks.
First-grade students at BMS met with Pinky this week to learn to write the Japanese language. The first-graders traced over the symbol, which means “friend’ in Japanese. They were then able to write the symbol themselves free-hand on Hanshi(thin textured Japanese paper) by using a fude(brush).
Students also wrote their names in Japanese caricatures and will hang their work in the hallway amidst other Japanese artwork from classrooms.
November 16, 2002
School Bus
今日は、牧師のMr. Lee KanagiのDinnerに招待されて娘とBethの3人でお邪魔してきた。