Once there was a way to get back homeward. Once there was a way to get back home. Sleep pretty darling do not cry, And I will sing a lullaby. Golden Slumbers fill your eyes, Smiles awake you when you rise. Sleep pretty darling do not cry, And I will sing a lullaby.
昔はあった帰る道 昔はあった帰る家 泣かずにお眠り、愛しい人 子守歌を歌ってあげよう
ウトウトまどろみ にっこり目覚めなさい さあ、泣かずにお休み、愛しい人 子守歌を歌ってあげよう Tomorrow Never Knows---The Beatles
Turn off your mind, relax and float down stream, It is not dying, it is not dying
マインドを止め リラックスして流れを下れ 死にはしない 死にはしない
Lay down all thoughts, surrender to the void, It is shining, it is shining.
思考を放棄し 虚無にサレンダーせよ 光よ 光よ
Yet you may see the meaning of within It is being, it is being
内面の意味するところを観るがいい 在り在りとして在るものを
Love is all and love is everyone It is knowing, it is knowing
愛は全てで 誰もが愛なのだ 悟りよ 悟りよ
And ignorance and hate may mourn the dead It is believing, it is believing
死者は無知と憎悪に弔わせておけ 信心は信心にすぎない
But listen to the colour of your dreams It is not leaving, it is not leaving
しかし夢の色に耳傾け ただそこに在らしめよ
So play the game "Existence" to the end Of the beginning, of the beginning
さらば最後まで「存在ゲーム」を楽しもう 始まりの、始まりの終わりまで GIve Me Love------George Harrison
Give me love Give me love Give me peace on earth Give me light Give me life Keep me free from birth Give me hope Help me cope, with this heavy load Trying to, touch and reach you with, heart and soul
吾に慈愛を 地に平安を 光と命与え 輪廻転生のくびき 永遠に解き放ち 希望もて この重荷負わせ給え
吾、真心と魂もて 御前に参らん
OM M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M My Lord . . .
オーーーーーーーーム マイ・ロード
PLEASE take hold of my hand, that I might understand you
Won't you please Oh won't you
吾にお慈悲を 地に平安を 光と命を 輪廻転生のくびき 永久に解き この重荷 希望もて負わせ給え
吾、真心と魂もて 御前へ参らん Fool On The Hill (The Beatles)
Day after day, alone on the hill, The man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still. But nobody wants to know him, They can see that he's just a fool. And he never gives an answer .....
But the fool on the hill, Sees the sun going down. And the eyes in his head, See the world spinning around.
丘の上の阿呆 夕焼けを見つめ 第三の目が 世の移ろいを観じている
Well on his way, his head in a cloud, The man of a thousand voices, talking perfectly loud. But nobody ever hears him, Or the sound he appears to make. And he never seems to notice .....
And nobody seems to like him, They can tell what he wants to do. And he never shows his feelings,
気に入られもせず 決して情に竿ささず それでも皆に認められ
丘の上の阿呆 夕焼けを見つめ 第三の目が 世の巡りを観じている Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds ----by the Beatles
Picture yourself on a boat on a river With tangerine trees and marmalade skies Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly A girl with kaleidoscope eyes
Follow her down to a bridge by a fountain Where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers that grow so incredibly high
Picture yourself in a train in a station With plasticine porters with looking glass ties Suddenly someone is there at the turnstile The girl with kaleidoscope eyes
Lucy in the sky with diamonds Lucy in the sky with diamonds Lucy in the sky with diamonds, ah Lucy in the sky with diamonds Lucy in the sky with diamonds Lucy in the sky with diamonds, ah
ダイアモンドいっぱい着けて空に浮かぶルーシー ダイアモンドいっぱい着けて空に浮かぶルーシー ダイアモンドいっぱい着けて空に浮かぶルーシー、アーーーーーーーー SOMETHING ---by The Beatles
Something in the way she moves Attracts me like no other lover Something in the way she woos me I don't want to leave her now You know I believe and how
Somewhere in her smile she knows That I don't need no other lover Something in her style that shows me I don't want to leave her now You know I believe and how
Something in the way she knows And all I have to do is think of her Something in the things she shows me I don't want to leave her now You know I believe and how
ストロベリーフィールズに連れてってあげよう これから行くんだ 何もリアルじゃなくて 煩わしさとは無縁の世界 永遠のストロベリーフィールズへ ストロベリーフィールズよ永遠に ストロベリーフィールズ フォーエバー HEY BULLDOG by The Beatles
Sheep dog standing in the rain Bull frog doing it again Some kind of happiness is measured out in miles What make you think you're something special when you smile
Childlike no one understand Jack knife in your sweaty hands Some kind of innocence is measured out in years You don't know what it's like to listen to you fears
You can talk to me You can talk to me You can talk to me If you're lonely, you can talk to me Hey Bulldog
僕に話してみな 話してみなよ 話してみなって 寂しいんなら聞いたげようじゃないの
ねー、ブルドッグ君 I AM THE WALRUS ---by The Beatles
I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together See how they run like pigs from a gun see how they fly I'm crying Sitting on a cornflake Waiting for the van to come Corporation T-shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday Man you've been a naughty boy you let your face grow long
I am the eggman they are the eggmen I am the walrus Goo goo g' joob
おいらは卵人間 ヤツらは卵人間 おいらはセイウチ ググーグジュー
Mr. city policeman sitting pretty little policemen in a row See how they fly like Lucy in the sky See how they run I'm crying I'm crying, I'm crying Yellow matter custard Dripping from a dead dog's eye Crabalocker fishwife Pornographic priestess Boy, you've been a naughty girl you let your knickers down
Expert, texpert choking smokers don't you think the joker laughs at you See how they smile like pigs in a sty See how they snide I'm crying Semolina pilchard climbing up the Eiffel tower Elementary penguin singing Hare Krishna Man, you should have seen them kicking Edgar Allan Poe
I am the eggman They are the eggmen I am the walrus Goo goo g' joob Goo goo g' joob Goo goo g' goo goo goo g' joob goo juba juba juba juba juba juba juba juba juba juba juba juba
おいらは卵人間 ヤツらは卵人間 おいらはセイウチ ググーグジュー グッグッグジュー ググーグジュー ジュジュジューグジュー ジュッバ ジュッバ ジュビジュビジュッバ ジュッバ ジュッバ ジュビジュビジュッバ・・・ GOOD NIGHT by The Beatles
Now it's time to say good night good night sleep tight Now the sun turns out his light good night sleep tight Dream sweet dreams for me Dream sweet dreams for you
Close your eyes and I'll close mine Good night sleep tight Now the moon begins to shine Good night sleep tight Dream sweet dreams for me Dream sweet dreams for you Mm, mm, mm
Close your eyes and I'll close mine Good night sleep tight Now the sun turns out his light Good night sleep tight Dream sweet dreams for me Dream sweet dreams for you (Good night, good night everybody everybody everywhere, goodnight)
Ah, because the world is round it turns me on Because the world is round
嗚呼、地球が丸いから 僕は陶然としてしまう 地球が丸いから
Ah, because the wind is high it blows my mind Because the wind is high
嗚呼、風が強くて 心なぶってゆく 風が強くて
Ah, love is old, love is new Love is all, love is you
嗚呼、愛は古くて新しく 愛は全てで愛は君
Because the sky is blue it makes me cry Because the sky is blue
空が青くて 泣けてくる 空が青くて
Ah, ah, ah, ah
嗚呼 RAIN by The Beatles
If the rain comes they run and hide their heads They might as well be dead If the rain comes If the rain comes
雨降りは みんな急いで雨やどり 死んだも同然 雨だ 雨だ
When the sun shines they slip into the shade (when the sun shines down) and sip their lemonade (when the sun shines down) When the sun shines When the sun shines
晴れたら日陰に身を隠し (お日様サンサン) すするレモネード (お日様サンサン) 晴れだ 晴れだ
Rain, I don't mind Shine, the weather's fine
雨 気にしない 晴れ いい天気
I can show you that when it starts to rain (when the sun shines down) everything's the same (when the sun shines down) I can show you I can show you
Can you hear me that when it rains and shines (when the sun shines down) it's just a state of mind (when the sun shines down) Can you hear me Can you hear me
聞いてるかい 降ろうが照ろうが (お日様サンサン) 単に気分の問題さ (お日様サンサン) 分かるかい 分かるかい HEY JUDE ---- by The Beatles
Hey, Jude, don't make it bad Take a sad song and make it better Remember to let her into your heart Then you can start to make it better
And any time you feel the pain, hey, Jude, refrain Don't carry the world upon your shoulders Well don't you know that its a fool who plays it cool By making his world a little colder
So let it out and let it in, hey, Jude, begin You're waiting for someone to perform with And don't you know that it's just you, hey, Jude, You'll do, the movement you need is on your shoulder
Hey, Jude, don't make it bad Take a sad song and make it better Remember to let her into your heart Then you can start to make it better
よー、ジュード、シケたツラしてどうしたい 沈んだ歌でもパーッと歌って あの娘のこと心底想ってりゃ ツキも回ってこようってもんじゃねーか、なあ、ジュード All You Need Is Love
Love, love, love Love, love, love Love, love, love
There's nothing you can do that can't be done Nothing you can sing that can't be sung Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game It's easy
There's nothing you can make that can't be made No one you can save that can't be saved Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time It's easy
All you need is love All you need is love All you need is love, love Love is all you need
愛があればいいのさ 愛があれば 万事OK 愛さえあればね
All you need is love All you need is love All you need is love, love Love is all you need Love is all you need That is all you need That is all you need That is all you need That is all you need THE END
Oh yeah, all right Are you gonna be in my dreams tonight
Love you, love you love you, love you...
好きだ 好きだ 好きだ 好きだ
And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make Ah