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I've finished reading "The Ultimate Study Method to Make the Brain Serious"now. Most of the cells in the brain are decreasing with age, but there is apart that creates new cells in an exceptional way, which is the part of thehippocampus as large as the little finger on the bottom of the brain.Although the cell are born newly, peoples feel that their memory becomesworse when they get older, because they cannot use mechanical memory forwhich they must use much energy, as like when they were young. However, the association memories that associate and memorize things is saidthat if you accumulate various knowledge and relate and remember it evengetting older, you cannot lose to young people. Hippocampus can be grown by way of study and lifestyle. What kind oflifestyle is good is to always make hungry time between meals without eatingdull. Be sure to eat breakfast, and recommend brown rice, five grain rice,and rye bread etc., they do not raise the blood glucose value suddenly . Itis better to keep blood sugar level for a long time.. Because sleep removes brain waste, it is necessary to ensure sleeping timefor 7 - 8 hours. And it is possible to cultivate the hippocampus directly bywalking and jogging to a degree that breath slightly bounces at exercise andif you have a habit of doing it for about 30 minutes every day, you willmake you not only smarter but also you can prevent and treat the dementiaand the depression.The above is a way to raise hippocampus, but stress will destroy it at thecontrary and cause it to atrophy. The way to protect the hippocampus fromthe stress is to have a dream. Having a dream and studying for it is thesilver bullet for relieving stress. The content of the dream is forinstance, to travel through Japan, to become able to play some song onguitar, to become able to understand foreign movies without subtitles, etc.Anything is fine and the hippocampus does not shrink if you strive towardthat goal. A dream is not a youth's privilege. Let the old man have a dream,too.
今朝はまだ正月休みだが入院患者さんを診るために病院に行った。点滴や薬についての指示が沢山あって家に帰れたのは11時40分過ぎだった。でも私はもうかなり長い間ゴルフの練習をしていなかったので、病院が終わったらゴルフの練習に行こうと思っていた。それで帰りにゴルフ練習場に寄ってきた。まずドライバーという大きなクラブで練習を始めた。しかしクラブが少しもボールにまともに当たらなくてちっとも遠くに飛ばなかった。私のゴルフ歴は長いので、たまにはほんの少しだがいくらか遠くに飛ぶこともあった。それなのにちっとも飛ばないので何度も打ってみた。でも少しも飛ばなかったので気分は最低になってしまった。気持ちが落ち込んでしまうと何をしても喜びはない。私はこれではいけない。落ち込んだ気持ちを建設的な気持ちに切り替えなくてはいけないと思った。人生は短い。落ち込んだ気持ちで生きても楽しく生きても人生は一度しかない。ゴルフボールがちっとも飛ばなかったのは私にとっていいことではないが、暗い落ち込んだ気持ちを持っている方がもっと悪い。暗い気持ちを明るい気持ちに切り替えなくてはならない。今年はいつもあかるく建設的な感情で生きて行こうと思う。I went to my hospital to observe the inpatients this morning. As there weremany works to order about drip infusions or medicines, it was late to comehome over 11.40. But as I was going to exercise to strike the golf ballsafter visiting hospital, I dropped into an exercises center of a golf,because I have not exercised long time. I tried to shoot with my drivercrab.But I could not hit the ball smoothly. I could not drive the ball to a longdistance. I have long carrier for golf, and I could hit farer awaysometimes. I tried again and again, but I couldn’t shoot a ball far away.My emotions dropped to the bottom. There are no joy while my emotion isdepressed. I think I must change my emotions from depression to positivefeelings. Life is short. It is same life to have depressive emotions orjoyful emotions. It is not good for me not to be able to hit a golf ballsmoothly, but it is worse to have dismal emotions. I must change gloomyemotions to bright emotions. I will live with positive emotions always thisyear.
新しい年が始まった。我が家の近くには武田神社があり初詣の客が列をなしていた。私はその人たちとすれ違いながらある新年の会合に参加してきた。いやでも道行く人々や新年の会合に集まった人々の姿が目に入ってきた。それぞれの人に人生があり、それぞれの願い事があるのだろうなと思った。自分について言えば後期高齢者になりいつ死んでもおかしくない年代になった。今年の願いは何か?今までの延長であり、特別なことはないが人生が残り少なくなったので、自らの使命達成のために瞬時たりとも怠惰は許されないと思った。怠惰を許さないというと凄く窮屈に感ずる方も多いと思われるが、実際はリラックスしてのんびり暮らすことを考えている。努力の対象や方法は間違っていないかをチェックして人生にもっと余裕ができるようにしたいと思う。仕事や習い事などでも効率を上げて行く必要がある。漫然と生きてきたがもっと効率よく生きることを考えて行こうと思う。それに最近では日に日に体力の衰えを感じているので、健康増進のために運動や栄養などもきちんと考えていこうと思っている。New Year began. There was Takeda Shrine near my home, and the visitor of theNew Year's visit to a Shinto shrine made a line. I participated in a meetingof a certain New Year while passing people. The figure of the people whogathered for passersby and a meeting of the New Year forcedly got into myeyes. I thought each person had the life and they would have each wish.For me, I am the generation when I became oldest as over 75 years and coulddie anytime. It was conventional extension what the wish of this year wasand it was not special, but I thought that the laziness was not permittedfor own mission achievement even in a second because the life ran short.When it is said that I do not permit the laziness, people may think it isvery tight, but I think, actually, being relaxed, and living leisurely.I check whether an object and the method of the effort are not wrong andwant to be better off more in the life. I should give efficiency for work orlearning. I have lived without aim, but I should live more efficiently thisyear.Because I feel decline of my physical strength day by day recently, I willthink about exercise or the nourishment for increasing health properly.
今日小柄な68歳の女性を診察した。介護士専門学校に入学するのに必要な健康診断書をもらいに来たのである。離婚後看護助手として働きJAICで2年位ブラジルにボランテアで行ってきたこともあるとのことだった。ヒラリークリントンさんも68歳で大統領候補として頑張っている。同じ歳なので、頑張らなくてはと思っているとのことだった。同じ民主党の候補サンダース氏は74歳である。彼も頑張っている。日本にも同じ歳の人がいる。彼もまたサンダース氏のように頑張らなくてはと思ったとのことである。Today I examined the petite 68 -year-old woman. Health certificates arerequired to enroll in the College of nursing care workers. She has worked asa nursing assistant after the divorce and had worked for the JAIC 2 years inBrazil as a volunteer. She said that Hillary Rodham Clinton is working hardas a presidential candidate of the USA at the age of 68 , so she will fightas the same age. The same democratic nominee Mr. Sanders is 74 -year-old. Hehas been also active in the presidential fighting field. There is a personwho is same age in Japan. He also pressured himself to fight as the sameage of Mr. Sanders.
Today is Coming of age day. Congratulations to you!I hope to you growing up as an adult to help people and to build a splendidpeace and nice society sincerely.今日は成人の日です。おめでとう!人々を助け、平和で素晴らしい社会を作ってくれる大人になって下さる様心から願っています。
我々は自分の望み通りに真すぐ生きたいと望むが、実際にはそのようには生きられない。我々は常に自分がしたり言ったりしたことに後悔している。後悔のない人生はないものだろうか? 吉田松陰は「人生に対する目的を持っていれば失敗はない。何回ミスしてもすべてのことは有用なのだ。あなたはあなたやあなたの社会にとって最も大切なことをすると決めれば、あなたの失敗など何の問題もない。人生に対する確固たる目標があるならば何も後悔する必要はない」と言っている。私も確固とした目的にそって生きていれば、何事にも後悔しないと思う。We want to live straight along our hope, but we can't live so. We alwaysregret what we had done or said ourselves. Is there any way without regret?Shoin Yoshida said if you have an object for life, there is no fault,everything is useful even if you missed often. If you decide to do what isthe most important thing for you and your society, your mistakes are noproblem. You need not to regret in so far you have a firm object for yourlife. I think also we never regret as far as we live with a strong objectfor life.
I am Kenji Goto. I have been captured by ISIS. I entered in Syria to helpMr. Yugawa. He was killed by ISIS and next is me. I know all Japanese andmany foreigner pray for me to be alive. I thanks all of them sincerely, butI don’t beg my life, because the dangerous for life is accompaniment to uswar journalist. I was ready for death. Very sorry my mother, my wife andchildren, and all Japanese. I believed that ISIS had also human mind, but theyhadn’t. However, I never hate them, because, I sympathize with them intheir poor education and poor life. I wish every person live rightly ashuman and help each other. I pray for ISIS and all people in the world to be happy.私は後藤健二です。私はイスラム国に捕らえられています。私は湯川さんを助けるためにシリアに入りました。彼は殺されてしまい次は私の番です。すべての日本人と多くの外国の人達が私の生存を祈ってくれていることを知っています。皆様方に心より感謝しますが、命乞いはしません。なぜなら戦場のジャーナリストにとって生命の危険はつきものだからです。死の覚悟はできています。お母さん、妻よ、子供よ、そしてすべての日本の皆さま、本当に申し訳ありません。私はイスラム国の人たちも人間の心を持っていると信じていましたがそうではなかったようです。しかし私は彼らを憎みません。なぜなら彼らが教育を受けることができなかったことや貧しい生活だったことに同情するからです。私はすべての人が人間として正しく生き、お互い助け合うことを望みます。私はイスラム国と世界中すべての人々が幸せになるように祈ります。
Ms. Brittany Maynard who died at 29 on the day Nov.1st 2014 wrote as below.I was 29 years old. I'd been married for just over a year. My husband and Iwere trying for a family.Our lives devolved into hospital stays, doctor consultations and medicalresearch. Nine days after my initial diagnoses, I had a partial craniotomyand a partial resection of my temporal lobe. Both surgeries were an effortto stop the growth of my tumor.In April, I learned that not only had my tumor come back, but it was moreaggressive. Doctors gave me a prognosis of six months to live.Because my tumor is so large, doctors prescribed full brain radiation. Iread about the side effects: The hair on my scalp would have been singedoff. My scalp would be left covered with first-degree burns. My quality oflife, as I knew it, would be gone.After months of research, my family and I reached a heartbreakingconclusion: There is no treatment that would save my life, and therecommended treatments would have destroyed the time I had left.Because the rest of my body is young and healthy, I am likely to physicallyhang on for a long time even though cancer is eating my mind. I probablywould have suffered in hospice care for weeks or even months. And my familywould have had to watch that.I did not want this nightmare scenario for my family, so I startedresearching death with dignity. It is an end-of-life option for mentallycompetent, terminally ill patients with a prognosis of six months or less tolive. It would enable me to use the medical practice of aid in dying. Iquickly decided that death with dignity was the best option for me and myfamily.We had to uproot from California to Oregon, because Oregon is one of onlyfive states where death with dignity is authorized.I would not tell anyone else that he or she should choose death withdignity. My question is: Who has the right to tell me that I don't deservethis choice?I plan to celebrate my husband's birthday on October 26 with him and ourfamily. Unless my condition improves dramatically, I will look to pass soonthereafter.When my suffering becomes too great, I can say to all those I love, "I loveyou, come be by my side, and come say good bye as I pass into whatever'snext" I will die upstairs in my bedroom with my husband, mother, stepfatherand best friend by my side and pass peacefully. I can't imagine trying torob anyone else of that choice.She died at Nov.1st using the drug prescribed by doctor after cerebrated herhusband’s birthday.I have objected strongly to suicide or aid to suicide even any heavysuffering. I have believed that human have not right to die oneself or helpto die.But after reading this case, I thought I must think more flexibly.11月1日に29歳で亡くなったブリタニー・メイナードさんはブログに次のように書いていました。私は29歳です。丁度1年前に結婚して新しい家庭をスタートさせていました。そんな時頭痛で病院で診てもらうことになり悪性の脳腫瘍と診断されてから9日目に頭蓋骨に穴をあけて側頭葉の一部を切除しました。その手術は脳腫瘍の成長を止める為のものでした。しかし4月になって腫瘍が再発しただけでなくもっとたちの悪いものになっていることに気が付きました。医師から6か月の命だと宣告されました。私の腫瘍はすごく大きかったので頭全体に放射線をかけるとのことでした。私はその副作用を調べました。髪の毛はなくなり、頭皮は第一度のやけどを負い、私の生活の質は最悪になってしまいます。数か月の検討の末、私と私の家族は本当に心苦しい結論に達しました。私を救う治療法はない。医師が勧めてくれた治療法も残された人生を破壊するだけのものである。頭以外は若くて健康なので、がんが私の心をむしばんでいる間耐え続けなければならない。私はたぶんホスピスに入って数週間もしくは数か月苦しむことになる。私の家族は私のその苦しむさまを見ることになる。私はその悪夢を家族に見せたくないと思い、尊厳死について調べ始めました。それはあと6か月もしくはそれ以下の余命の人が精神的に満足して死を選ぶ方法です。それは死に際して医学が助けてくれる方法で、私は尊厳死こそ私と家族にとって最高の選択であると思いました。私たちはカリフォルニア州からオレゴン州に引っ越さなければなりませんでした。なぜならカリフォルニア州は尊厳死が認められておらず、オレゴン州はそれを認めている5つの州のうちの一つだったからです。私はだれに対しても尊厳死を勧めているわけではありません。しかし私が質問したいのは、私がこれを選んだのをいけないという権利を持っている人がいるかということです。私は10月26日の夫の誕生日を祝ってその後すぐに行こうと計画しました。私の苦しみが我慢できないくらい大きくなった時には、愛する方々に「愛しています。私のそばに来てください。そして天国に行く時さよならを言ってください」といえます。私はベッドの中で、夫と母と義理の母と仲の良い友達に囲まれて安楽に行くことができます。誰人も私のこの選択を奪うことはできないと思います。彼女は予告通りに夫の誕生日を祝ってすぐの11月1日に医師から処方された薬で天国に旅立ちました。私は今まで自殺や自殺ほう助には強く反対してきました。何人にも死ぬ権利もそれを幇助する権利もないと信じてきました。しかし彼女のブログを読んだ後は、もう少し多面的に考えなくてはいけないかなと思いました。
I read the newspaper about the justice of cutting at AKB48 members on May 25,2014, this morning. The offender, Satoru Umeda, said that he offend itbecause they works brightly and had gotten much money for all he had no job.There are many person who offend murder, cutting at someone, driving intothe pedestrians, killing oneself, for the complaining about the differenceof his circumstances from other's. I think one should never compare ones position to another's, because thereare happiness to each person certainly even though seamed then unhappy. I worked as milk runner, binding book, delivering medicine to a shop,longshoreman, before becoming doctor. I believe he is happy if he has hope andchallenging mind in spite of any circumstances, even has no job. I was happy when I was working as the longshoreman at the bay of Harumi Tokyo, becausehaving challenging mind.今朝新聞で今年の5月AKB48メンバーに切りつけた梅田悟(24)の初公判の様子を読みました。彼はAKB48は多額な収入があると考え、仕事のない自分とは正反対と不満を持ち、複数のメンバーを切りつければ不満を解消できると考えて切りつけたと述べたそうです。世の中には仕事がないとか収入が少ないとか、ちやほやしてくれないとか自分の状況を他人と比較して不満を持って殺人や切りつけや歩行者に車で突っ込むとか自殺するとかひどいことをする人がいます。私は人は決して自分の状況を他人と比べるべきではないと思っています。なぜならその時は不幸と思っていても各々の人には必ずその人なりの幸福があるものだと思っているからです。私は医師になる前は牛乳配達、製本見習工、薬の小売店への薬の配達、冲中仕などの仕事をしていました。私はもしその人に希望と挑戦心があるならば、たとえどのような環境にあろうとも、仕事がなくたって幸福だと信じています。私は冲中仕として東京の晴海湾で働いていた時も挑戦心がありましたので幸福でした。
I am planning to participate in the small group meeting held in the nearside of Lake Kawaguchi on November 1st.We should introduce ourselves each other at the opening ceremony. I might introduce myself as below.I am a doctor of medicine and my specialty is Gastroenterology. My regular days would be doing Endoscopy procedures, attending the outpatients and the inpatients and also emergency patients during night duties. When I am free from duty, I have been learning to play the piano, taking voice lessons, playing golf and studying English conversation. I’m a very busy person but I truly enjoy my life.Today I want to speak the reason why I became a doctor. I was bone in a farmer’s house and never think about becoming doctor. But when I read the book about Albert Schweitzer, I was deeply moved and decided to become a doctor as like him. Schweitzer was successful organist, educator of Philosophy and Theology. He decided at 30 to study medicine for he wanted to become a missionary doctor. Shortly after he graduated as a doctor he went to Africa to care the people who were suffered by many disease, especially Hansen’s disease, another name Leprosy. Everyone fear the disease, but he didn’t fear at all. I was impressed greatly by his sprit. And after many difficulties, I became a doctor as like him at a later age. I am chicken-hearted and afraid of getting infection of disease. But I wish to go to Africa as like him, because I have becom a doctor just impressed by him.To realize my dream, I am planning to participate in MSF.MSF was build up in 1971, by group of doctors and journalists aiming to establish an independent organization focused on emergency medicine and speaking out about the cause of human suffering. It is one of the world’s leading independent organization, giving medical care to people caught in crisis regardless of race, religion,or political affiliation. They works every day in all the world especially in Africa.I am not young now, but there is no limits of ages. I was salvaged from age problem, but there was bigger problem. My wife offered a determined opposition for my plan about going Africa.I am now appealing to her for permission to do it patiently.
Youth by Samuel UllmanYouth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind, it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees,it is a matter of the will,a quality of the imagination,a vigor of the emotions,it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite,for adventure over the love of ease.This often exists in a man of sixty more than a boy of twenty. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.Whether sixty or sixteen,there is in every human being's heart the lure of wonder, the unfailing child-like appetite of what's next, and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station, so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the Infinite, so long are you young.When the aerials are down,and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old,even at twenty,but as long as your aerials are up, to catch the waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at eighty.
全12件 (12件中 1-12件目)