Good thing & Bad thing about Mr. Horie: Bad thing is that his management was out of morality: Good thing is that he (or his way) encouraged younger generation.
2) [成功するって事は、誰でも望むことは実現できるという法則である]
The Law of Success: Anyone can get what he/she wants.
3) [秩序付け、整理整頓の上手な人は、何事においても成功できる] If you are a good organizer or can put things in order neatly, you can get anything done successfully.
4) [ どの会社であっても、最大の課題というのは、お客を集める事である] The most important challenge for any types of businesses is to have more customers.
5) [出る杭は打たれると言いますが、 上昇思考の強い人を排除する社会は淋しい気がします。] A tall tree gets much wind ESPECIALLY in Japan. I want this society to help young growing trees,instead of removing them.