==================== <通信講座の皆様へ> 次のエッセイを暗唱できる様にして下さい 完全に覚えこんでください。(4月以後での対面直接授業の際にこれを題材にしますので) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 海がめのお話です。次をご覧下さいませ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ その1) The number of sea turtles is decreasing. Do you know why? Many people take sea turtles and their eggs every year. Some people eat the eggs. Other people buy and sell sea turtles as food.
その2) Sometimes, balloons and plastic bags kill sea turtles. The balloons and bags fall into the sea, and then their color comes off. Sea turtles mistake them for jellyfish. Sea turtles love jellyfish. So they eat the balloons and bags.
その3) Every year, hundreds of sea turtles die from balloons and plastic bags. Let's help the world's sea turtles. Please hold on to your balloons and don't throw away plastic bags.
企業・組織の説明パタン Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers is a national project launched in 1965 to help nation-building in developing countries by personal contact.
Young volunteers are selected from among those who have knowledge and skills in particular vocational fields. Young volunteers live and work together with local people to help them acquire vocational skills to sustain themselves.
★通信講座ほかの全受講者の皆様に課題です 「鼻」をサッと説明できますか? 例えば、 We have a nose in the center of our face. Our nose works to catch any smell or flavors of things. If we don't have a nose, we cannot enjoy delicious meals. とか
最後のところを、 If we don't have a nose, many of us wouldn't suffer hey fever this season of a year. とか ですね