
EVITA Saint or Sinner?

著者 : W.A.Harbinson
出版社: St.Martin's Paperbacks 1996.12  217ページ 定価¥1226 購入価格新品で\500

感想 : 2006.2.25日記に記載

In Rio de Janeiro, where she attended the International American Joint Defence Conference, the strets wete covered with thousands of huge posters of her, most of which the Brazilian police hastiky tore down. どうして?

If a man needed a job, a job was found for him. (The chosen employer would not dare to refuse him work). If a woman's husband had deserted her, Evita's strong men would seek him out. (The erring husband would rarely refuse to return home). If somepne owed rent, the required sum would be provided and the 'victimising' landlord reprimanded (even if in the right). Evita also had on her staff some strong-arm 'charity men' whose job was to locate drunken husband and more or less beat some sense into them. Evita personally ordered clothing, bedding and furniture for those who needed it,:and she personally wrote prescriptions for drugs,. In short, whatever the case, Evita worked.

大統領夫人が名誉総裁になれる筈なのにならしてくれなかったから、Sociedad de Beneficencia名誉総裁が死亡したときに、遺骨を夫の入る墓付近に埋葬させなかった、とか...

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