Follow the Dream 療法士の夢

カテゴリ: 嬉しいなあ。。。

" I have small surprise." 

After having food and sake in a Japanese bar together, he told me and took me to somewhere by driving a car. 

We spent time together after 20 days...only 20 days; however, this period had seemed to be "our lost 20 days."

We resumed without any problems due to no sense of permanent separation. 

The car was going forward and stopped in front of a house made of special stones. 

"Are we going to church?"  I asked.

"No."  He answered as looking at the other side of the road.  

"Look, there is a board, saying...historic...? I can't read it."

"Just take a look!"  He went out of the car. 

I followed him to the stone building.  My eyes tried to read the board.

"Historic...Bed & Breakfast!"

When I looked at him, he smiled and kept going on into the house.   

I understood everything...He really missed our lost period.  Yes, we had a kind of 'test' on our relationship.  It seemed to be broken but it wasn't.

The building was built in 1889.  A small but pretty traditional house.  It mixed between European and American taste. 

He was serious about our relationship.  I believed it at that time.  We confessed that both of us had not believed to lose our tie during 'the lost 20 days.'

Yes, this surprise gift proves as he is.  I remember when he gave me a surprise by taking me to the Edwards House which was pretty B & B as well. 

He found the Edwards House where was near my church after having dinner and taking a walk and said,

"Hey, what is this house?"

I answered, "I don't know...I am always wandering what this house is.  It may be a restaurant?"

He replied to me, "Let's take a look by getting into it!"

He went proceed to that house and I followed.  He went up the stairs towards the third floor and opened a certain room.

"It is not good...someone will come and find us...sneaking into here!"  

"That's OK."  He answered. 

I started to be concerned about him...does he get used to sneak into the unknown place?  Is his hobby?

The room that we entered had a stair.  A bottle of wine was in a basket on the small table beside of the stair.  "Someone made a reservation with this room!"  We talked.  Finally we reached a room where was a top of that house. 

I was just nervous about getting into the place where we sneaked into.  Therefore, I said Let's go out soon.  Somebody will be coming to this B& B room."  I was rushing. 

He said, " We don't need to do that."  and took a key to show me...which was the key this room!

Surprise gift from him.  He is the person who has such an idea. 

He is skilled in many areas including language, sports, writing, etc.  Therefore, sometimes he demonstrates very difference from others.  That part makes me confused and embarrassed, actually. 

Yet, that is him.  That's why he is attractive to me. 

Anyway, we got back to the original place where is comfortable with each other - and will be getting along with each other for the future, although we have no idea when it ends or never ends. 

This pain that we had experienced for 20 days could facilitate to last our bond for not short period, even though we will have a long distance relationship soon.     


Last updated  2010.01.31 05:59:34
[嬉しいなあ。。。] カテゴリの最新記事

いいね! -- / --






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