I also put this one on everything at that time!!! I really like this too!!!
It's almost o:ooam in here. I was hungry 30 minutes ago. Then I ate m&m and chips...... What a junk life in the States!!! But i couldn't eat big bag chips by myself.So I shared and 3days(maybe) to eat all of bag of chips..... Hahaha... Big Bag!!!
(2010/07/06 12:52:09 PM)
みみみ・・・さん >I also put this one on everything at that time!!! >I really like this too!!!
>It's almost o:ooam in here. >I was hungry 30 minutes ago. Then I ate m&m and chips...... What a junk life in the States!!! >But i couldn't eat big bag chips by myself.So I shared and 3days(maybe) to eat all of bag of chips..... Hahaha... Big Bag!!! ----- あんまり食べると太るから気にしてる?ぷぷ。