A ceremonial exchange of betrothal gifts between the families of the prospective bride and groom. When the engagement has been arranged between the two families, traditional gifts of felicitous objects are made which are symbolic of happiness. They are wrapped in red and white paper decorated with gold and silver strings. Today betrothal gift money wrapped in a piece of fine paper is usually presented instead of traditional gifts of good omen such as seabream of casks of sake. ( This is referred by A cultural dictionary of Japan.)
He is spoony on girls.は女の子に甘いと言う意味で、 He feels head over heels over beautiful women.のような言い方が会話では一般的だそうです
「慎重に行動する」は act prudently,keep one's foot,move very carefully,「衝動買いする人」はcompulsive shoper
● 亭主関白
He wears the pants in his family. (口語体) overbearing husbandという言い方もあるそうです。