1tchy » Favorites (82)
- 3D custom block (go to x y z) by J0nas1
- Build-a-castle by 1stCorinthians
- binary-decimal converter Version i by skellious
- Tetris Extreme by AmazingGamesCo
- Scratch Limerick by DrMoron
- Fireworks by starstuddedbannaslug
- Pseudo-3D Drawii by _Dragon_MC_
- Piano man by katamari
- Piano Man by readaholic
- rock-paper-scissors by honeyfoot
- Music Transcriber V2 by Paddle2SeeFixIt
- Mobius strip by fanmusic
- Infinite Zoom Illusion by Paddle2SeeFixIt
- Wodunne's World by Wodunne
- Fill sqrd by JSO
- Spray paint pro. OB0 by Oceanbreeze50
- Monty Hall by eagle6
- Rainbow by Jens
- Asteroids by SonicPopsDad
- Scratch Experience Index by fandebiao
- Scratchoids by Paddle2See
- Ramsay by Colkadome
- Icon by Cyclone103
- STUPID TEST by dudester13
- Block Creator by tron
- Cube World by Tanner-FBI
- The_Never_Ending_Story by HarryPotterGal
- Alfred by Tanner-FBI
- Cannon of Awesomeness 1.0 by Dolfus555
- Sky Diver V1 by Dolfus555
- Find-it by bosox397
- Super Mario Galaxy V4 by Dolfus555
- Future Updates by Colkadome
- Gravity Rebounder DEMO by Colkadome
- checkerboard graphics test - with velocity by AddZero
- Spring Loaded Boxing by Yakkers
- Archery Champion beta 1.0 by Shanesta
- Ninja Strike ~ Space Rocks!! by N-Wear
- Super Mario kart Demo 1 by Mariojon
- Draw! by Klovira
- Beax v1.1 by JSO
- Music Box by swimguy5
- Neo by kuri
- Lathe 3d modeler - Light Bulb by AddZero
- Fuzzy Paint by Paddle2See
- Click the Color...Press Green Flag to Start by geckofreak
- Spirograph by JessicaP
- Perpetual Slinky by Paddle2See
- Hit the Heads by armagon
- Cube World 2 by Tanner-FBI
- Icebounce by Paddle2See
- Stencils by Jens
- aqua 1 by supamadgal
- Block Slider by the_guardian
- your weight on other planets by tycoon32
- Amazing Art v.2 by MyRedNeptune
- V2 - lego model creator by JSO
- Merry Smashmas by archmage