3piz » Shared Projects (22)
Object HAT 5a: "Tlips and Triks book" by 3piz
Object CAP BABIES 1: The baby times (Learn ABC's, numbers, colors and more) archive by 3piz
The Humongous Insect Cooler Christian Camp: Extraordinary Redundant Episode 3: Birch is the worst by 3piz
The Humongous Insect Cooler Christian Camp: Extraordinary Redundant Episode 2: Vacation Time by 3piz
The Humongous Insect Cooler Christian Camp: Extraordinary Redundant Episode 1: "Gabriel" by 3piz
If objet cap Characters were on BFB Teams by 3piz
T2OC Challenge 5: "A Cloud" Archive by 3piz
Object HAT 4: "Debueting" by 3piz
The Humongous Insect Cooler Christian Camp: Extraordinary Redundant Signups! (CLOSED) by 3piz
The humongous insect christian cool and silly show Episode 2 The Picture Snaps by 3piz
The humongous insect christian cool and silly show Episode 1 Radiation Isn't Attractive to Gold by 3piz
1MHC Challenge 6: "Portal 2" Archive by 3piz
T2OC Challenge 4: "Wave The Red Flag" Archive by 3piz
Object CAP 2 Episode 3: "Get Riddance" Archive by 3piz
Object CAP 2 Episode 2: "Horse Brushy is a Meanie" Archive by 3piz
Object CAP 2 Episode 1: "The Respectance of the Little Walking Fishy" Archive by 3piz
Object HAT 3: "Oompa Loompas" by 3piz
Object HAT 2 ½: "the real object hat was the freinds we made along the way" by 3piz
Object HAT 2: "High Demon Elgrim" by 3piz
Object HAT 1: "Guys this is like the eliminated" by 3piz
Object Cap moment by 3piz
I'm eating your skull by 3piz