Amy_The_Awesome » Studios I Follow (39)
- ☆*: .。. ғʟᴜғғʏ's ᴍᴀɪʟʙᴏx
- ♡~ᴀʀᴛ
- ❀~ᴛᴜᴛᴏʀɪᴀʟs
- the club of cool people
- ♡~ᴘғᴘ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴜᴍʙɴᴀɪʟ sʜᴏᴘ [ᴏᴘᴇɴ]
- ✰ Among Us ✰
- nekopyonの作品集-nekopyon's collection-
- Out of Season
- Follow if you like candy!!!!!
- ✨ PeopIe Who Can Talk About Books For Years ✨
- Platformer Games!
- Good Bye Golden~
- Imaginary Sports
- 1K Follower contest is still on, just delayed.
- Stop pestering famous scratchers for new content
- -=Aminations=-
- Mr. Melon Army
- Sofa's Sofas
- TDP theories/roleplay!!! (future and present series)
- TDP Memes, Fanart, and more!
- you
- Want a pfp, an outro or an intro? Here's the place!
- #RacismIsWrong!
- Anti-Advertising Group
- Want a new pfp here the studio!
- No Inappropriate Content on Scratch
- let's get 0 managers DONT JOIN
- Anti-Advertising Association AAA
- Anti Mass Reporting Association
- cool projects
- animations
- [OLD] Propose Projects to be Featured
- Could we get 100k managers within a year? :D
- The Sterlon FanClub! :)
- Scratch Murder Mystery
- Berricake's Official Fan Club ❧
- Ally's Army
- Magic, Myths, & Fairy Tales