BaconAndTacos » Favorites (38)
- Paradise: Lyrics Taken Literally by -SwagFox-
- [Lyrics Taken Literally] Wrecking Ball by Epicguy48
- lyrics taken litterally remix by eeveeheart2
- lyrics taken litterally by Firefox780
- please read this by niallsprincess12
- 5sos and 1D songs <3 remix by princessfire25
- Markiplier, Space is COOL!!! by THE_FALLING_LIZARD
- fall for you- secondhand serenade by skull-Light
- Snack Animations - Speed Drawings by 519SHIs30
- Johnnie Guilbert - Not so Perfect by ThatemoGirl
- 1s1s1c CUBE GAME by chipguy
- Voodoo Doll Cover By Olivia Lea by AntonO
- My bandmates and me by CalumHood26
- 5 Seconds of Summer- Castaway cover by gabby030303
- 5 Seconds of Summer- San Francisco cover by gabby030303
- 5 Seconds of Summer- Voodoo Doll cover by gabby030303
- 5 Seconds of Summer-Hey Everybody! cover by gabby030303
- celebs that like turtles #4 by skateboy04
- CANNED BREAD by Papatai
- Sounds Good Feels Good by james_007_bond
- The Banana Song by vee3e
- [OPEN] We Don't Have To Dance MAP 10/16 by Afraid_Alone13
- ATL - THERAPY by heartbreak_gurl
- Me singing Want U Back- Cher Lloyd by Unicorncookie24
- Johnnie Guilbert - Song Without A Name by ThatemoGirl
- 5sos permenant vacation by nyancat414
- 5sos ~♪ by 5SOS_Woop
- She Looks So Perfect EP (5SOS) remix by Calum5SOS
- CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by heartbreak_gurl
- 5sos animation by nyancat414
- Finding 5sos tickets FINISHED!!!! by PhotoCopyCalum
- 5 seconds of summer cheesy puffs maze game by phoebeillingworth
- meeting 5sos (unfinnished) by phoebeillingworth
- 5sos simulator :) by nora_fitz
- Sneaking Backstage 5SOS (finished) by DewixEmily
- 5SOS or 1D? by TarynStar
- MEETING 5SOS! by queenrufio
- 5 Seconds of Summer Sounds Good Feels Good by 32lj5sos