BananaFlavoredBanana » Favorites (389)
- Aquarium by Hanzhe
- Ninja SPIKES by alphabetica
- Gravityball by macio6
- Rough Sketch engine by -Deltoid-
- Donald Trump by TNTninja101
- The Impossible Rotating Cylinder by Scratch-Minion
- Basketball In A Nutshell by Shwip
- i by HaudioDesigns
- Twisting Chrome by raucket
- Rotate by ScratchStang
- Rotating Planets by Chirple
- Unicorn Frappuccino by Foxe-Channel
- Gyrate by -lnvictus-
- He not like the banana by qlasticc
- Bitmap vs. Vector by Brandoodle
- Notcho Cheese by OmegaMLG
- Jump! by Adventuring
- Tomus & fwends speed dwar by SirFatJenkins
- Sonic animation by Loganw
- Hold Your Horses by Hobson-TV
- Random Roasts That Aren't Even Good by ScratchLipReading
- Alphaquiver by MarioPerson1
- >> Underwater << by Hanzhe
- FALAFEL by ScratchLipReading
- Reaction Time Simulator! by jromagnoli
- Spaceport by Hanzhe
- Lift Off by Aepic
- Crystal Shards by WaterPoke
- It's a Nice Day... by Tea-TV
- Best Day Ever by snow-cannon
- Circolare by Silverdroid
- AVIATOR by Resurgent
- AXIS by Resurgent
- Me at a Modern Art Festival by Mr-Animator
- Max at the Dentist's Office by Mr-Animator
- Up by Hanzhe
- PackersRuleGoPack_splashed_Logo by Paramexia
- Sky Kingdoms by RacingAce
- Me Roasting Everyone Over The Phone Compilation by Mr-Animator
- Tevo - Vexento by MusicArchives
- Rotate Your Art by ScratchStang
- Map by Hobson-TV
- Working Rubik's Cube 100% Pen by Pi_is_amazing
- Taco Panda -Platformer- by scrooch2005
- Scratch Memes! by ScratchStang
- Ball King by kevin_eleven_1234
- Animation Test by Hobson-TV-test
- Make 10 by kazuta123
- Dimensional-Rift 2: The Awakening by snow-cannon
- Every Scratchers Nightmare by JeffAnimations
- Fonts via Google by KillerByte
- Coloria ~ The Ultimate Color Program by -Swerv-
- Break The Screen! by AlphaAxle
- Mesmerizing 100% Pen Screen Saver by Blackphantom123
- Dimensional-Rift 1: Existence... by snow-cannon
- Game | One Bottle At A Time by foundationKM
- if scratch was real! by MrAnimatorHD
- Wolf by Vaporose