Benny-by » Favorites (271)
Super Mario 64 2D? by supershanio64
Super Mario Land (Platformer) (Colourized) by hypercube34
Backstory, Part 4 by scratchU8
Super Mario Challenge HUB V4.5 by BayMaxMasTer
Miner cat - Game by Coltroc
Scratch-Kart Animated Collab Sign-Ups by DreamFan64
Which type of Scratcher are you? A personality quiz by CleverComment
How the dinosaurs went extinct (probably) [Animation] by ossipeemtngamer
HALLOWEEN RUN - Game by Coltroc
Dot World (A 3D Platformer) by uplift
1K by BirdNani
Why do people think I live in Antarctica? by BirdNani
Super Mario 3.0 World v1.5 by Brad-Games
Paper Minecraft v11.7 (Minecraft 2D) by griffpatch
Webcam Fukkireta by JamesOuO
Memories (Yellow Village) by starwater
Theme Park Tycoon V1.6 by Coltroc
Breakfast - Platformer by Coltroc
Area 51 -Mission Stealth by huntedskelly
Gray [A Platformer part 1] by legend15788
Griffpatch's Tower Defence v1.0 by griffpatch
Hey Aliens! Get off My Gram Gram! by Reinfeld
Griffpatch's 3D Laser Tag v0.8 by griffpatch
Top Down 3D City Experiment v1.8 by griffpatch_tutor
EARTHQUAKE!-Platormer by awesomnes7
Super Mario World - Quick Coin by BurnyB
Saving Scratch - Part 1 - The Adventure Begins by 3Robloxlover
Spray - A Platformer by Skill_Games
3d platformer by rens2
Seasons - A Platformer (Winter) by Imagineer32
Top 20 Platformers on Scratch! by MrRaisin
Journey To The Lost (A Platformer - Beta) by Good-Website
CannonGame a2 by game_pr0grammer
Runner man - platformer by Coltroc
Plaintformer by game_pr0grammer
another platformer by game_pr0grammer
world -a мoвιle plaтғorмer- by Cicada_19
Midnight platformer by awesomnes7
No Looking Back -platformer- by JoZaJaB138
Escape the Lab! (3.6.2) A short Metroidvania by hypercube34
AFRAID - Platformer by Coltroc
GameCube or Nintendo 64? by Benny-by
Super Mario Odyssey V8 by zachs23
The Scratch Saga: Part 3.0 by WazzoTV
brawl stars clicker v1.0 by papayas4ever
The Swamp by ForbiddenShrew
One-Man World by Hobson-TV
Zelda Platformer Test: Bow + Shield! by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
@Will_Wam EXPOSED by mission7
Super Mario Galaxy Gameplay Demo by Benny-by
Unpopular guy & Popular guy by T_PLAN
GameCube Controller Simulator by Will_Wam
Undertale SANS FIGHT by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
Knighty Fighty [DEMO] by Hobson-TV
3D Open World by Hobson-TV
Funkemon - Groova Region [Unfinished] by Hobson-TV
Super Mario 2D World (SNES) V2.5 by Brad-Games
BitLandia (Demo V.1) by Brad-Games
NEON Chaos by Coltroc
Fun facts a platformer by Xiaoyu1234