BuildGteade » Favorites (27)
- CG-55 new but epic by BuildGteade
- X-183 animation remix by BrunoPlay2015
- X-183 animation by roomsfan69369alt
- X-183 Animation Recoded but better *i tried* by gudfsijacxvuvjef
- X-183 Animation Recoded by calebfrompluto
- X-183 Animation Recoded new by BrunoPlay2015
- CG-55 Remake but a small bit accurate but my remake test by BrunoPlay2015
- A-25 but Sightly Cool! remix by GeometryDash823
- Scratch jr or Scratch? by thiswashardwork2
- A-25 and A-45 transform by G-159YT
- X-47 Amination by GeometryDash823
- accurate a-45 edition again by GeometryDash823
- bb-5 tried grimace shake (just trailer) by B-5_Son
- happy holidays 2024 new! by BrunoPlay2015
- Bouncin' on the road! by TheStarSpirit
- happy fifi and jumping by BrunoPlay2015
- The amazing Rooms detailed! PART 2 YOU PARASITE!!!!! by BrunoPlay2015
- The minigame by BuildGteade
- V section tranformations (no V-5) by windowsinfinity2k1
- The cat gilcth by BrunoPlay2015
- A-90 test But is chase you by BrunoPlay2015
- Moving to a secret acc~ by jas6kaur6
- wahh T-83 by bugggyman
- S-404 New Entity For S-Section remix by BrunoMathias2015
- S-404 New Entity For S-Section by DjFrasdering
- B-250 Fammade by BuildGteade
- E-150 NEW by BrunoPlay2015