CATBATFAT3 » Favorites (63)
- The Schuyler Sisters Animation by ExperienceSea
- Expert Mode by scratchU8
- payback by Gaxellock
- the woods by Gaxellock
- Its Confirmed by Extremestuff456
- Gaxellock Invades. by Extremestuff456
- Gaxellock tasks #2 by Gaxellock
- new intro! by Gaxellock
- Cubed: That Song by wyattw27
- Scratch Cat by fatkidplayer
- inro to Gaxellock by Gaxellock
- NEEDS SOME SUNBLOCK co-staring CATBATFAT by Gaxellock
- Scratch Town v1.3b by griffpatch
- Every Time I Go to McDonald's by fatkidplayer
- dont eat mah face by yakman
- This is my life now. by theultimateguy02
- heads up by Gaxellock
- Scrap by FaceOs
- New Outro? by Extremestuff456
- Gravity 2 by JamesOuO
- Lazy short #1 remix by Gaxellock
- ZELDA? co-staring Exremestuff456 by Gaxellock
- intro by Gaxellock
- pig remix add ur face! by Gaxellock
- Add Your Face on A Pig!CATBATFAT edition! by CATBATFAT3
- A Knights Quest! A Platformer by Extremestuff456
- what happens when I'm bored. by SneakyDave
- Ugly potions in mineraft! by SneakyDave
- Christmahanakwanza Special by scratchU8
- Maze Runner by Extremestuff456
- Nothing is happening. by Extremestuff456
- The Weird School Part 5: FIREWORKS! by SneakyDave
- Minecraft Fail #3 by fatkidplayer
- Don't Touch The Spikes by Houchdj
- Bounce Down HD (Touch Compatible) by Link888
- D-D-D-D-DROP THE BASS!!!!!!!!!! by TheAnimationShow
- Sunscreen by Extremestuff456
- This is the Best Burrito AMV by -SourMilk-
- Mario Clicker 3.1.2 by B1p0larB3ar
- The Best Burrito by theultimateguy02
- Mario's Opinion on Doors by scratchU8
- If ScratchU8 was a night guard by Vincent_PurpleGuy
- Scratchers under arrest by awsomeguy56712
- Maze Blunder (Scrolling maze game) by DangerDobbs
- Subject Survival (WIP) by voblarerna
- crazy platformer by scratchpro1122
- Salsa AMV (Click flag twice) by Random-Stickmen
- Epic fail #7: When it's at 1% THIS PROJECT IS REAL! by angrybirdsfun
- Onion Rings Rap AMV by angrybirdsfun
- Epic Fail #13: Nothingness Plus the Security Camera by angrybirdsfun
- My reaction to E3 2014 by scratchU8
- Fall in a Nutshell by scratchU8
- how i feel when i get fan by CRAZZZYTNT
- When i get a fan. by Extremestuff456
- A New Soul by scratchU8
- If I had dinner whith uglyworm! by SneakyDave
- Weird school 3: Valentines party. by SneakyDave
- Super happy fun time joyful baby adventures!! by SneakyDave