Captions5scratch » Favorites (9)
Saying goodbye. by Captions4Scratch
Preparing to leave... Scratch on. by Captions4Scratch
[ISSUE SOLVED] The end of Captions4Scratch... (THE CAPTIONS ARE BROKEN!) by Captions4Scratch
[RESHARED] Lemon WITH CAPTIONS (Original by @Dhilly) by Captions4Scratch
The Ultimate Scratch Saga Recap Cartoon - Part 2.0 #animations #stories #all by Scratch_Silliness
What I’m working on OUTSIDE of Scratch by Captions4Scratch
Accounts similar to @Captions4Scratch (Shoutouts) by Captions4Scratch
When the command block is sus (From YouTube) by Captions5scratch
Flag Dodge [PROOF OF CONCEPT] (Control w/ flag) by Captions5scratch