DEKAISER » Favorites (68)
- do you hate russian alphabet lore? by 1here
- Thousand Strong by mini_monsters
- Cernia by DEKAISER
- click space to say no to goguardian but it's 1000 every time you click by AntiGuardian
- NO GOGUARDIAN!!! by SushiCat_75
- WW1 1914 V1.2 by 77385
- Tank survival game #all #games #trending by jeremyscool07
- BIA - TNO - On the Hills of Manchuria by AlexeiThe2nd
- Jerusalemi Rebellion Plans (God's Rebellion) by DungeonProductions
- Meet the provinces of Sarawak! by DEKAISER
- BATTLE OF VERDUN [1K] by LeFisheAuChocolatOUI
- tabs by CNFC_inal
- ░░░░░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂ I███████████████████]. ◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤... by GreenvaleQLD
- ╔┓┏╦━━╦┓╔┓╔━━╗ ║┗┛║┗━╣┃║┃║┏┓║ ║┏┓║┏━╣┗╣┗╣┗┛║ ╚┛┗╩━━╩━╩━╩━━╝ by CATDRAGON789
- Across The Rubicon (landre remix) by landreDSL
- The People strikes back by DEKAISER
- The 1919 Rivonian Coup by DEKAISER
- Sedistan be like by izcarl
- Across The Rubicon by mini_monsters
- I’ll add your country into Europe RP OPEN by izcarl
- Dawn of Civilization by mini_monsters
- EXTREMIST ROCK #2 by Llamagod2007
- Tyraliahumans! by Llamagod2007
- Proclamation of 1945 by Arkana_bisyari
- ACP! Pax Victoria 4: Any Country Playable by landreDSL
- Rivonia: A Legacy (WIP) by OffizierDerWehrmacht
- Empire Europa by mini_monsters
- Empire Europa 3: The End of an Era by landreDSL
- °•. ✿ .•° Ramadan kareem! + lantern effect °•. ✿ .•° by I_am_a_muslim_girl
- BIA - TNO: Holy Russian Empire mod! by BIAenjoyer
- The Magnificent Microscope by MoonSH4DOW
- Escape Room! - At The School by aSmileyFaceSticker
- added music till u die by TJ_Endgame
- Australia | Multiple Artist Project | An Interactive | Team Australiuu | #art by Kqax
- Ardentian Free State by Llamagod2007
- Subway Surfers =D by DEKAISER
- Geometry Dash v1.5 by griffpatch
- Brothers in Arms - [ASIA] 2.3.1 by NotDailyGameCreator
- Brothers in Arms - kaiserrich ASIA v0.1 by BritishEmpire1208
- Minecraft-ish MMO v1.7 by griffpatch
- Scratch a Platformer 2 HACKED #games #all by theGamesverse
- Scratch a Platformer 2 #games #all by theGamerverse
- "Why are we even here..." by iguanagreg1
- Find the Markers 1 (74) by chye3mc
- ONLINE! Roblox Sword Fighting #all #games #trending #roblox #online by chye3mc
- Oldest Game I Could Find Downloaded to my computer by Kirbsthe1st
- HELICOPTER but I animated it by Kirbsthe1st
- Impossible Tank Challenge (v1.3) by DEKAISER
- Pax Victoria 3: An Empire Under the Sun by mini_monsters
- Pax Victoria 4: A Ravaged Empire by pogrgaemr09
- idea for BIA by BIAenjoyer
- Chat Room by landreDSL
- Bring Poland into Richness! (Clicker game) by DEKAISER
- Colonization Simulator (Very Early Version) by Kirbsthe1st
- ☁ MosChess v1.2 (online chess / chess online) by SpartanDav
- Paper Minecraft v11.7 (Minecraft 2D) by griffpatch
- SPW I - WW2 Tower Defence by -pAc-
- Countryballs TCG (+ Contest) by Llamagod2007
- Countryballs: UK by 1509