Dragon_Rishi5C » Shared Projects (13)
- [Final Project] Venus savior: a platformer{part 2 #5C by Dragon_Rishi5C
- Week 5 Lesson 2: Copyright remix by Dragon_Rishi5C
- The Impossible Platformer.. And More! #Games #All #Hi #Gamesarecool remix by Dragon_Rishi5C
- Week 3 Lesson 3 Friends Quiz by Dragon_Rishi5C
- Week 4 Lesson 1: Good Advice remix by Dragon_Rishi5C
- Week 4 Lesson 2: Avocado Challenge remix by Dragon_Rishi5C
- Week 2 Lesson 1: Mindful Breathing remix by Dragon_Rishi5C
- Week 3 Lesson 1: Q&A remix #Kinda sus by Dragon_Rishi5C
- Week 1 Lesson 2: Private Information A remix by Dragon_Rishi5C
- Week 1 Lesson 2: Private Information B remix by Dragon_Rishi5C
- Thank You Card by Dragon_Rishi5C
- All about me by Dragon_Rishi5C
- Example Project by Dragon_Rishi5C