Duke719 » Favorites (56)
- Ciicker by Duke719
- MUST WATCH by Luc2019
- Speak With Santa by Cirrus-
- Snail Platformer v1.4 by griffpatch
- Ping pong Project by Duke719
- Back to School by Duke719
- Science Expo by sp1011
- Flying Bat by Duke719
- Siri by TheExecutioner
- Rainbow Swirl by Duke719
- Slither i.o by Duke719
- Rainbow Swirl- Pixel Speed Draw by Bubby_Boy
- awesomered's adventure {2} by aidan2h020
- Squish by ABitBrighter
- slither.io v1.7b remix by DerekDV
- Ultimate Nyan Cat by Annalisesms2020
- Slither I.O. by LegoSatch
- Ghost Attack by Depicklator
- Pusheen the Cat Clicker by Duke719
- Minecraft Platformer by RacingAce
- Sushi Platformer by key01134
- Potato Platformer (Sushi Platformer Remix) by Nutcleaxle
- CAT-APULT remix by Parker2020
- JetMonkey Jump!! (DEMO) by ScratchCat117
- Jumper (Platformer) by Depicklator
- TRB ( The Rolling Banana) by Keith2020
- Potato Platformer! (entry) by stickanimations
- Animal Clicker remix by Duke719
- Hide and go seek remix by Duke719
- Sports/Fruit Clicker remix by Duke719
- Science Expo Marine Life remix by Duke719
- Taco/Cookie Clicker remix by Duke719
- Catch an apple remix by Duke719
- Plants v.s zombies remix by Duke719
- Minion movie remix by Duke719
- My intro page :) (First Project) by Duke719
- Giga on the Moon by Duke719
- Hide and go Seek by Duke719
- Pico on the Moon by Duke719
- Hardest Platformer ~ Pen Platformer! by majesticstar
- cat-former s.v.s 1 by Parker2020
- LAVA,platformer by fusionfire
- Pen Platformer by RacingAce
- science expo the BRAIN by jacksonm2020
- PPAP The Game by jacksonm2020
- Aether - A Vector Platformer by NoseyNose
- Platformer by GoldenGuppy17
- The big bang theory by Parker2020
- Gobos Parkor Life by ethanksmrs2020
- My Intro page! by Annalisesms2020
- Minion movie by Annalisesms2020
- Taco/Cookie Clicker by Annalisesms2020
- Food by Annalisesms2020
- Party with a monster by Parker2020
- Animal Clicker by Annalisesms2020
- The BIG BANG vs. The DEATH STAR by ethanksmrs2020