El_Lude » Shared Projects (16)
- DOOM v0.2.4 remix by El_Lude
- MARI 25 by El_Lude
- Super Mario World (HUMMER TEAM) by El_Lude
- Dark chambers remix by El_Lude
- Hero V.2.0 remix by El_Lude
- River Raid V1 by El_Lude
- HALLOWEEN (Atari 2600 Remake) by El_Lude
- Donkey Kong remix by El_Lude
- Friday the 13th cabin terrors 1988 boss battles with jason by El_Lude
- Texas Chainsaw Massacre the Game leatherface battle by El_Lude
- Halloween the Game remix by El_Lude
- Punch-Out!! - The Definitive Project v1.3 with haunted clown that act very strange by El_Lude
- Friday the 13th The Game horror 1980's by El_Lude
- A Nightmare On Elm Street the game from 1989 by El_Lude
- Friday the 13th part II remix by El_Lude
- donkey kong in 1981 final copy . by El_Lude