EpicKid8 » Favorites (14)
- Happy Birthday, Scratch! by pinkybatata_123
- Lego | an animation by Davelaarfam
- Samsung Galaxy S1 Beta Boot Animation by kagel
- Sparta Pulse Remix V2 (Epic) by Magenta_YTPMV
- funkytown by zvardin
- ⊹₊· ˚ E X P L O R E ˚·₊⊹ | A Platformer #Games #Art ihcm by ihcm
- Don't Love This Project by Davelaarfam
- This Game Is Trash On Purpose | #GAMES by Davelaarfam
- (cringe) sans fangirls be like: by Phanty_OmO
- Nintendo swich or Wii U? by CarsonD916
- what should i do with scratch (pick) by owilson_CO2
- [NOT WORKING] Cloud Scratch Stats by Robby_Blue
- WHAT IS UGH by spacekid253
- Windows 8.1 Ultimate V8 by crobi143