Esnor » Shared Projects (23)
Ballerina 2 by Esnor
Untitled-6 by Esnor
Translators(Guerrero) by Esnor
Chatbot by Esnor
Talking (Mrs. Guerrero) by Esnor
Times table by Esnor
Spaceship Launching(Mrs Guerrero) by Esnor
Slideshow using scratch by Esnor
3.7 Mrs. Guerrero by Esnor
Racing to the finish line (Norma) by Esnor
Bruno and the Ghost by Esnor
Ball Animation by Esnor
Effects of Animation by Esnor
T-Rex Virtual Pet copy by Esnor
Exploring Animation 1 (N Guerrero) by Esnor
T-Rex Virtual Pet by Esnor
The Land Before Time by Esnor
lion kin by Esnor
Darcy the turtle by Esnor
Virtual Pet(Mrs. Guerrero) by Esnor
Dance Party( Mrs. Guerrero) by Esnor
basket ball Game by Esnor
Animate my name by Esnor