FablehavenFanClub » Favorites (32)
Harley Quinn speed draw remix by Amandathecool
Im Doing Logos!!! by ElectricBreaker
Hermione Chat by GalleonCloak6764
Closer- Lyrics Taken Literally by SevenAteNine
Pen stuff Collab with kar234567 by yash2345
CAREER QUIZ. by yash2345
Punchy the Cat by ScratchStang
Career Quiz by ScratchStang
When griffpach follows you! by yomyto
Paul the Platformer - BETA by ckk04
Scratch Cat + Heart by SauceKeyAh
The World Quiz [W.I.P.] by SpaceX24
Trillion Plates by aellsworth
CPS Click Test by e1g2a3n4
~~*BOB*~~ by FablehavenFanClub
Bat Flycycle Improvements by Greninja714
Cat Runcycle Improvements by Greninja714
I'm Leaving Scratch by Clipper12
Days since 200 by spongebobshaun33
City Creator by Higgsboson13
Animations by ourpresidentsucks
Punch The TV by AuthenticConfuzzler06
Cat Run Cycle by Cosmofall
Happy Earth Day! by stellar_11
helpless - full hamilton animatic by -Pineapple-
Fidget Spinner Addiction by jromagnoli
Map by Hobson-TV
TRUMP: TACOS by qwertyisabadpassword
The Origin of the Sandwich... by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
My Goodbye to Scratch...Forever ;( by Alleviation_Games
Terraria Loot Bag by Alleviation_Games
Issue 1 - Scratch Cat Edition by Scratch-Minion