GirlsRuleAnimations » Favorites (124)
- One Year of Scratch! (Thank You!!) by SkySplash
- Harley Quinn VECTOR Animation by GirlsRuleAnimations
- Harley Quinn VECTOR by frenchyfrygirl
- Trollsident Wars: The Troll Strikes Back by frenchyfrygirl
- Lean and DAB by GirlsRuleAnimations
- Bonnet x Blade by ThePlayingPuffGirls
- Here in my garage by LionScratch
- Frenchyfrygirl's Logo by frenchyfrygirl
- My first project! by buttercup19
- My Outro!!! by GirlsRuleAnimations
- Harmony and Fire vector by frenchyfrygirl
- Outro..... by YesImSwag
- FunnyAnimatorJimTV is ILLUMINATI. by LionScratch
- Loading Projects by The_Guy_
- WAFFLES by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
- Outro-2 by GiantPickle
- Darwin Marble Soda! by frenchyfrygirl
- Cute Sprite gif by GirlsRuleAnimations
- The best intro i have ever made! by GirlsRuleAnimations
- ⭐ Build A Village by Painted-Pupper
- I like by CloudIy
- to love by CloudIy
- great by CloudIy
- proj by CloudIy
- ects. by CloudIy
- All toasters... by DanFish-Animations
- The Adventures of frenchyfrygirl! (Not an animations) by frenchyfrygirl
- Audtion for Mojo Jojo. by Dr-Eggman_Robotnik
- Hey guys, wanna make a new powerpuff girls series? by -_Bubbles_-
- AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by frenchyfrygirl
- --Babysitting.. .-.-- by Sup3rFLAN
- Live Streaming TV by ScratchStang
- The scratch movie by MLG_PROSTER123
- When I get banned. by Chez_Panda
- Powerpuff Radio by -_Bubbles_-
- LOLZ by GirlsRuleAnimations
- Ask LSP by frenchyfrygirl
- Kimbra version of "I'm wishing" By Snow White by frenchyfrygirl
- Carmen epi 1 season 1 by frenchyfrygirl
- I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING!!!!!!!! remix by ScrathKat
- Playingpuff Birthday SpeedPaint by frenchyfrygirl
- Rowdyruff Boy Brick Speedpaint by GirlsRuleAnimations
- Little Kid Shaming reation by Sallyrock89
- Who Do You Ship Me With? remix by Brick__
- WE'LL DO IT LIVE!! by redfire512
- Me if I were playing TJOC: R by redfire512
- Emoji Maker by Fupicat
- The Pico Show: Episode 1 by ericr
- The Pico Show: Pobo's Revenge! by dulith123
- The Pico Show: BUT GET OUT OF MY FACE Pico meets his brother! by dulith123
- A normal Chat by GirlsRuleAnimations
- MAC vs PC by Burgwerz
- SwiftDrift Vs. Oreo by SwiftDrift
- Lonely - AG II Entry by GamerToonz
- Welcome!! by GamerToonz
- The Door! by GamerToonz
- Jeopardy by Hobson-TV
- The Power of Smooth Jazz by Hobson-TV
- That moment when WillSmithFish comes on. by WillSmithFish
- Thrift Shop Parody - Toy Shop by WazzoTV