GusGus802 » Shared Projects (13)
- CECIL by GusGus802
- Family picture by GusGus802
- this better be good by GusGus802
- @dogiscute2 asked me to make cut fanart by GusGus802
- my scratch liscense :( by GusGus802
- make an egg for find the eggers: Jolly Egger by GusGus802
- new oc by GusGus802
- you can float now by GusGus802
- have some sprites by GusGus802
- Mutiny, INC. by GusGus802
- Mr. Grill's Alien Hunt 3D With Scarier Looking Aliens by GusGus802
- Super Mario For Scratch Upside-Down by GusGus802
- Super Mario Bros. For Scratch police by GusGus802