Infernodash5 » Favorites (52)
- Snail Platformer v1.4 by griffpatch
- Jump! by Infernodash5
- portals by scratchisthebest
- Destroy the Asteroid by Infernodash5
- Scratch Diversity by Infernodash5
- Platformer Adventure by 2sad4me
- v1.1d by griffpatch
- Press the Space Bar! copy by cs12867
- Scratcharia v2.8.3 by griffpatch
- Griffpatch's 3D Laser Tag v0.8 by griffpatch
- Explorer by geocashing
- Dodge by Pixol
- Home (a platformer) by eat-sleep-softball
- Ash VS Gary by Dill185
- TEEN TITANS GO!! by Mitt9001
- 3-D Thing v1.1 by Neo241
- String art by Tateki
- Interactive Dog by Meap77
- Spike Jump 2 by SunsethProductions
- Physik-Ball (v1.1 update) by Lunarian
- Interact With Friendly Nano by Infernodash5
- 3D sine rainbow octopus by above
- What Fruit Are You? by treepandaa
- Switchy by Dreamo
- LGBTQ Twitter Logo by StandardToaster
- What's your favorite Goosebumps? by ncarothers
- Cube Jumper by Will_Wam
- Cube Jumper 2 by epic_gamer1252
- Capture the Flag! by powerpoint56
- Mario Party REMIX Beta by scratchU8
- Scratch Minigames by Dan0510
- Scratch Mini Games by Ellesong
- Snownapper by OmarAhmadKhan
- Legend's Battle by mugicha
- Double Jump Demo by AlSweigart
- Pen Rendered Platformer by elgamer
- Pixls 1.3 by _Milamber_
- How To Make A Quiz by tinycoolgurl123
- Pixel Town 2 v3.7 by AgentCNF
- The Adventures of BOING by Jasmidge
- Scribbles by itchyone
- Mecha Wars by LucasGamer
- Marshall (a platform game) by WithOnions
- Minecraft: The game by Awesomekids3
- Fireworks Engine (100% Pen) by ssundee_derpssundee
- pokemon clicker by ibracken
- The art of color by ibracken
- The Impossible Game* by crazyweasle123
- WELCOME TO SCRATCH! by thomasgill
- ||Witch Harry Potter Character Are You? WIP|| by The_Icecream_Girl
- Make Your Own Oreos! by ProfessorMaddog