Isadorabeirith » Shared Projects (22)
- Super scratch by Isadorabeirith
- Math game by Isadorabeirith
- Flipped bird by Isadorabeirith
- BoatRace by Isadorabeirith
- Untitled-2 by Isadorabeirith
- Alexa project - Activity by Isadorabeirith
- Target - Project by Isadorabeirith
- Guessing game by Isadorabeirith
- Pain app - activity by Isadorabeirith
- Writing with a Pen - activity by Isadorabeirith
- Touch the stars - Activity by Isadorabeirith
- Ghostcatcher by Isadorabeirith
- Drawing - Activity by Isadorabeirith
- Assessment 1 - Activity by Isadorabeirith
- Lost in Space - Project by Isadorabeirith
- Animal - Activity by Isadorabeirith
- Chatbot - Activity by Isadorabeirith
- Jogo - Pacman by Isadorabeirith
- Jogo - Labirinto by Isadorabeirith
- Roleta! by Isadorabeirith
- Jogo - Nave Espacial by Isadorabeirith
- Jogo do clique - Minecraft by Isadorabeirith