Itz_JD1234 » Favorites (44)
- bouny cave by losco3
- YOU CANNOT ESCAPE WINDOWS 10 by extremebros44
- Maze 2 by bookloverdotorg
- Super Mario 3.0 World v1.5 by Brad-Games
- Steven and the Umbrella by StevenTheSquare
- Rainbow Wolf Run by wolfland1111
- The Impossible Quiz by Willowwater
- Rebound by alphabetica
- Scratchnapped 2 - v0.14 by griffpatch_tutor
- Blaster 0.4 - A top down space shooter (massive cloning) by griffpatch
- Scratcharia v2.8.3 by griffpatch
- Turrican II Boss Battle Test v1.0 by griffpatch
- Turrican II v1.3b by griffpatch
- Sharp Shooter by DarkLava
- Tetris NES version by smelly_hobbit
- Pop the Balls by Infinite_Game
- Unblock Me v1.2 by griffpatch
- Marshall 3 by WithOnions
- Marshall 2 by WithOnions
- Marshall (a platform game) by WithOnions
- The illustrator (Platformer) by HappinessEmulator
- Terraria Platformer by RacingAce
- The Scratch Platformer 2 by jotony
- Hingey Thingey - Chef's Passer by semmiesem9
- Stik by BirdByte
- An Eventful Adventure! by Unrealisation
- TextFormer -- A Text Platformer by extremebros44
- Fight Fire With Fire 3 by Will_Wam
- Fight Fire With Fire 2 by Will_Wam
- Fight Fire With Fire by Will_Wam
- High Diver! by CgBB
- Scratchnapped Adventure v0.2.7 by griffpatch
- 2.5 (Platformer) by xOnic
- Grappling Hook by hoi14
- Epic Ninja v1.12 by griffpatch
- Dungeon Journey by Will_Wam
- The Notebook (A Platformer) by caleb61802
- Bouncy Ninja 2 by Will_Wam
- Bouncy Ninja by Will_Wam
- Scratchnapped (A mario style platform game) by griffpatch
- Griffpatch's 3D Laser Tag v0.8 by griffpatch
- Super Mario Bros (version 10) by PaulKoning
- Super Mario Bros. by Will_Wam
- Super Mario For Scratch by Brad-Games