JackHayward33 » Favorites (161)
- Super Mario Maker [New Features Added!] by Brad-Games
- Pokemon GO! v0.5 by JH-Games
- Playing with ideas v0.2 (Scrolling Platformer Base) by griffpatch_tutor
- Which Unova starter are you? quiz by pokekirnaf
- Minecraft Griefer Clicker 0.5 by Mitchin8or
- Gaming Songboard by Luigimaker2015
- Geometry Dash v1.5 by griffpatch
- Luigi kong by owlpillow
- Speedy Cat by JackHayward33
- Art In Scratch by JackHayward33
- Cat the Star Cannon by JackHayward33
- Gotta catch 'em all by RACER01
- Stampy Quiz Part 1 by KPCC_04
- Stampys Lovely Quiz by EmeraldCreeper05
- minecraft creeper animation by jessyjonks1
- UPhone by Doodlebug450
- minecraft by minecraftmaster1222
- Scratchulater 1.0 by JackHayward33
- Donkey Kong by wariobro
- Pacman for Scratch by aoliver2
- Santa Kong Christmas Game by JackHayward33
- Super Mario Bros 3 Physics Test by khgamer6
- The Epic Adventure of Red Head (WIP) by SenseiHay
- Happy Thanksgiving Animation by JackHayward33
- Scratch Party 2015! by JackHayward33
- Luna vs. Neville by HarryPotter2345432
- Harry's cheese puf's by HarryPotter1234321
- Peeves is colorful! by HarryPotter2345432
- Get Hermione by HarryPotter1234321
- Harry's money by HarryPotter1234321
- Word King by JackHayward33
- Caries against Monsters by jetpac
- Power OS by geeggeeg
- SuperKart by Greenyman
- pixel art contest remix by dance4115
- poem by dance4115
- Go Scratch Day! remix by dance4115
- Untitled-13 by dance4115
- Untitled-3 by dance4115
- Untitled-14 by dance4115
- 3D Old Mario by kts2013
- Super Cubes! 3D Scratch Game! by JackHayward33
- Message maker by JackHayward33
- saved messages by Roboid
- Debug-It 3.2 remix by Roboid
- cloner by Roboid
- Softwares' Sound by Roboid
- Block Dance Party! (SDS) by marcusmario
- Pong Starter remix-2 by swjackson8
- Text Editor by startersodontbother
- Is Scratch REALLY developed by the Scratch Team? by FieryBowser
- Harry Potter vs. Voldemort (Duel Game) remix by cougarkid101
- Harry Potter vs. Voldemort (Duel Game) Aaga's Version by aagarocks
- Harry Potter vs. Voldemort Last Duel by Amm017
- OWL Exams v1 by JackHayward33
- Explore Hogwarts by HarryPotterStudios
- Ginny's Mad Libs 4 by HarryPotter2345432
- Challenge by letsplaygamez