KB3_ebedor_ed » Studios I Curate (36)
Make a Chase Game
Make a Clicker Game
Make a Clicker Game
Animate an Adventure
Create Animations that Talk
Animate a Name
Getting Started
Dodgeball Zombies
Soccer Game
Pong Game
Shell Game
Hide and Seek
Meteor Dodge
Whack a Cat
Make Music
Maze Game
Make It Fly
Animate a Name
Getting Started in Scratch
High Score List Game
Project with working scoreboar
Create a Virtual Pet
Catch Game
Let Us Dance
Birthday Card
Ping Pong
Create a Story
Make Music
Fashion Game
Animate a Name
Hide-and-Seek Game
Race to the Finish
Make it Fly
Make it Fly, Race to the Finish, and Hide-and-Seek
Getting Started with Scratch