Kayla14 ยป Favorites (32)
key of awesome rox your sox!!! by othersidersperson
Tell me something I Don't Know-Selena Gomaz by SuperCrazyFactFinder
Bring Me To Life AMV [Love It] by Hidden-Heart
Dont Trust Me [Read Description] by Hidden-Heart
ITS OVER 1 000 000!!!! by eliasm
Pandas - "Violet Hill" Music Video by Wjc0906
Geico Money 3D by IOUnothing
Viva la Vida by M0nster
Here We Go Again by M0nster
Monster by M0nster
Alejandro by M0nster
Whataya Want From Me by M0nster
I Made It by M0nster
I Want Candy!!! by M0nster
Edward Cullen vs. Jacob Black by fafcater
Edward & Bella, OR Jacob & Bella? by Sonnywithachance
Edward & Bella Amazing Pictures Song: Good girls go bad by Sonnywithachance
Falling Down- Selena Gomez (HQ) by Sonnywithachance
Taxi by DaRossi
Scratch Scratch Revolution! (Kanye- Stronger) by lindorniel
Hamster On A Piano Lyrics by LucarioAura
HAMSTER DANCE!!! by lalalablah
Your a Jerk by superman343
Fireflies Music Video by tacosandnachos
In my head by llamallama
disturbia by rihanna by cynder10
right round by kevin11111
Avril lavigne-girlfriend by Jessica890
Gummy Bear Song by TheMan99
Hamster Animations (icons) by llamallama
remix your youtube! by iamjill101
Selena Gomez Naturally (HQ) by vampirequeenyuuki