King_lubo » Shared Projects (39)
- SOCCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 by King_lubo
- Code a Cartoon but their all bald and angry by King_lubo
- Catch the apple by King_lubo
- letter game by King_lubo
- library game by King_lubo
- very weird story by King_lubo
- secret FBI cat by King_lubo
- Sapientdream, Slushii - Pastlives remix by King_lubo
- Plants vs Zombies for Scratch-Alpha remix by King_lubo
- M.U.S.I.C (music under stairs is cool) by King_lubo
- catch the egg!!!!!! by King_lubo
- embarrassing birthday party by King_lubo
- Press space bar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by King_lubo
- dont go in codes press space bar by King_lubo
- by King_lubo
- name game by King_lubo
- my friend pt 2 by King_lubo
- DVD by King_lubo
- Arena! by King_lubo
- a game v0.05 (Collab with DJPI) by King_lubo
- a game v0.03 (Collab with DJPI) by King_lubo
- ARENA v0.01 by King_lubo
- zombie attack by King_lubo
- you won't escape by King_lubo
- Flappy bird (very low budget) by King_lubo
- escape the BALLS!!! (Very hard) by King_lubo
- BASE BALL by King_lubo
- hi by King_lubo
- Squirrel by King_lubo
- Im here to rescure you by King_lubo
- gIvE mE a HuG by King_lubo
- find me! by King_lubo
- arrow key mania by King_lubo
- the missing troll by King_lubo
- my friend by King_lubo
- FOLLOW ME by King_lubo
- run from rocks by King_lubo
- Pong Hogwarts edition by King_lubo
- most annoying game ever!!!!!!!!!!! by King_lubo