LakeDays » Studios I Curate (64)
- 6) Tell Jokes
- 6) Warmup
- 5) Animate Initials
- 7) Project 3 Game
- 6) About Me
- 7) Proj 2 new to me
- 5) Project 1 - Intro
- 6) Project 1
- 7) Project 1
- 5) FINAL -your choice
- 5T) Fun Stuff
- 6) Final Project
- 6) Let's Dance Cards
- 5) Dance cards
- 5) Make Music
- 6) All Cards
- 5) All Cards
- 7) Interactive Game
- 7) "1st Class" review activity
- 6) Travel B&R blocks
- 6) Tell two jokes
- 6) Animate initials
- 6) "1st Class" Introduction
- 5) Dialog
- 5) Tell two jokes
- 5) Animate initials
- 5) "1st Class" Introduction
- 7) Remix Project
- 6) 2b Travel
- 6) 2a Jokes
- 7) Interactive Game
- 6) 1 Animate Initials 21-22
- 6 ) Basic Code 21-22
- 7) Practice Game
- 7) Chat about school topic
- 7) About Me project
- 6-2b) Travel with BB :)
- 6-2) Joke-dialog w WB
- 6) Share for fun!!
- 6-1) Animate initials
- 6-1) Animate initials
- 7) Interactive Game
- Student Examples
- 7) Just Sharing!!
- 7) Just Sharing!!
- 7) Dialog about mid-terms
- 7) Dialog about mid-terms
- 7) Project 2-B Travel chat
- 6) Project 2-B Travel Chat
- 6) Proj 2-A dialog knock knock
- 7) Share your own projects!
- 6) Share your own projects!
- 7) Dialog joke 2-A
- 6) Animate initials 2020
- 7) Animate 3 sprites
- 6) Dialog
- 7) Create an interactive game
- 6) Animate initials
- 7) Create a Dialog
- FLASH II Scratch