LawfayetteAnimations » Favorites (39)
Not quite ball physics game v1.0 by griffpatch
Harry and Ron go camping by LawfayetteAnimations
Cloud Chat (v.2) by 211A
The little cute green alien guy show S1 E1 by LawfayetteAnimations
balloons by LawfayetteAnimations
my pfp by LawfayetteAnimations
Cloud Platformer Multiplayer Fun v1.42 #2 by griffpatch
Snowman by TheInternetIsCoool
Flower by LawfayetteAnimations
wait by Bubbles_Official
- v1.10 remix by Elizabethgroom21box
the scratch cat movie trailer by Lawfayette
blobs quest halloween reshared || #all #blobs #everything #games #spazestudios #1 by spazestudios
Harry Potter Musical NEON by coolzo567
- v1.13 (#1) by griffpatch
The Adventure of Griffpatch! by snorterdor
Harry Potter Musical v2.1 by griffpatch
scratch race by LawfayetteAnimations
Scratch cat goes to space by LawfayetteAnimations
Cat platformer: a production of cloudmount studios #games by Lawfayette
Lego builder: build great things with the legos I drew by Lawfayette
halloween run by Lawfayette
Platformer remix by Lawfayette
Halloween platformer by Lawfayette
Lawfayette's codes by Lawfayette
Lawfayette's haunted house by Lawfayette
get the rubees by Lawfayette
the scratch cat movie by Lawfayette
Enormous Lawfayette Pong by Lawfayette
A scratch adventure|||||||||| a mobile friendly platformer by Lawfayette
maze of death||||||| a mobile friendly maze by Lawfayette
Flipgrid Clique Buster by Lawfayette
Rotate 360: my first scrolling platformer by Lawfayette
slither io googly eyed edition by Lawfayette
Tag||| a multiplayer game by Lawfayette
Ultimate tag by Lawfayette
The sonic the hedgehog game||| a mobile friendly platformer by Lawfayette
class coding contest by Lawfayette
a walk in the park by LawfayetteAnimations